Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Egypt Experiences Jihad

Mr Islam,

Your Brethren have killed at least 23 people, including three foreigners, are killed and 62 wounded as blasts rock the Egyptian resort of Dahab.

When will you take action?

When will you take responsibility?


The peace wishing world is waking up to the new dawn. This community who love their children, who respect their neighbours are realising (slowly) that there cannot be peaceful negotiation, nor democratic agreement with those who have no care who they murder.

It has been said that a muderer kills with injurious vision.

Until the Islamic world cleanses its perception of life then we are begining to accept the reality that the only defence is offence.

Mr Islam, the time is approaching where the threats of your brethren, their misplaced dreams of Jihad may be realised. May all our Gods be with us. And may the nation with the most altruitic hopes of peace be victorious.

Martyrs Dont Go To Heaven

Mr Islam,

I have been having a lively discussion with a number of readers over the last few days about this melting pot of a topic. I still dont quite understand it !

The concept that martyrs will be sent straight to the gates of heaven if they take their own life in the course of killing infidels, this is a concept I dont undertand.

Fistly I have failed to 'taught' a common understanding of the Islamic Heaven (assuming the lies about 50 virgins is accepted as a simple tool to persuade the hopeless to do the bidding of the cowards)... what is heaven in the eyes of Allah ?

Secondly, are we not suppost to cherish life?, all life, especially the body and soul given to us by God ? would it not be contradictory and blasphemus to destroy that which was given to us ?

Thirdly, and fundamentally, I could perhaps understant the mission of the martyr (cowardly terrorist) if the commandment came from God himself. As it is, these are decrees loosly mentioned in the Koran, which then have been perverted for self gain by a succession of power crazed Islamic leaders hell-bent on creating hell on earth while they profit financially in this life.

Please enligten me Mr Islam for in my eyes, Martyrs Dont Go To Heaven.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Israel To Wipe Iran off the Map

Mr Islam.

Now this must be a worry ?

I can imagine the uproar. Israel admits to having nuclear weapons and admits to its reason for having them.

Its a shame its not true that Israel plans to wipe Iran off the Map. Whether she has nuclear weapons I cannot say, I hope for her sake that in the face of current threats be enemies that they exist, that they work and that they can reach whomever launches a fatal strike against the Jewish State.

However Israel has never admitted it, never given a press conference and announced being part of the Nuclear Club. I guess we may never know unless perhaps it is too late for whomever calls their bluff

Lets just hope we never need to know for sure.

I hope the water simmers and tempers flow well.

Mr Islam... the warhead is in your court !


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Leave us be

Mr Islam,

We dont ask for much, us Jews. We dont make demands on the world and we dont drain natural resources for our ever growing population. We have no history of demanding our host nations convert to Judaism, nor have we preached our spiritual ways to those who dont wish to listen.

All we have asked for is to live in quiet peace. All we have demanded of the world is the ability to live on our own without fear of being killed.

Mr Islam, now we have entered the information age the world is at your fingertips. I challenge you Mr Islam to find me situations where we Jews have done anything other than pleaded to survive.

We have never attacked a nation that was not in self-defence. We have never stiffled a neighbours lives if it wasnt to protect our own young generations.

We are a small people. A mere 14 million of us spread over the globe. We could all fit into London, New York, Bagdhad and there would still be space for others to live in peace with us. Presently we have returned to our promised land. The land promised to us by God over 4000 years ago. The same God that you say you worship. This is a small corner of the world, smaller than the state of New York, smaller than Portugal, smaller even than it was when we first arrived home 60 years ago.

Mr Islam, I plead with you, understand this. The Jews of this world are going nowhere. The Jews of Israel are here to stay. We ask you to please lower your weapons such that we may lower ours. We ask you to speak words of peace such that we may listen and believe them.

The path you are travelling Mr Islam has only one end. You may destroy large numbers of our people but we are destined to survive. Just as we outlived the Egyptians, the Amaleks, The Babylonians, Romans, Greeks, and the Germans. We have never had to face the Muslims in battle of war, nor in a battle of culture, however, history and experience is evidence enough that we will survive.

We ask you now to turn away from the path of violence, this apparant Jihad that you think our God demands. I ask you to investigate history, read about the Jews and Judaism and understand we are better as friends than enemies.

Until next time, Shalom Mr Islam

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

End Violence Now

Mr Islam

The World is worried. The World has fear.

Do not think this is a weakness, this is no weakness to be grateful for or indeed be proud of causing, though be sure it is your radical brotherhood that have created this worry, this fear.

Fear is a natural human emotion, it is the characteristic that brings strength, togetherness and most important, fear forces solutions to be developed and soon enough to be enacted.

The word fears for its security. We all fear for the lives of our children, our loved ones and the of course we worry of losing the economic stability we've spend centuries nurturing and decades building.

The time is fast approaching where the slide to chaos in the Middle East will cause a permananent spill to the whole world. Our lives are in danger from radicalism and terror. We fear of this outcome. Trust me Mr Islam when I tell you ''the world will not allow this to happen''

Painful sacrifices may need to be made on both sides, political careers may be short lived and sacrificed for the rational and irrational objectives and needs of the moment.

Terrorism has no place in this world. Fear is not a sustainable threat to the freedoms of the west, animosity in every form towards Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists will not be tolerated.

It is time for peaceful Islam to take centre stage. The days of faceless terrorism are coming to an end. The days where terrorist entities hid in host nations is coming to an end. We understand the power struggles, we now comprehend the path before us.

Your brothers in the Palestinian Territories have now acquired a national power, this is a first. Hamas as a terrorist group are dificult to crush. Hamas as a state shows its face.

Be sure the world will not accept fear for long.

The time to end violence is now. The time to help your brothers with peaceful education has come. Let your people go. Let your people decide their own paths, make their own choices to live or die. Democracy in Muslim Nations is young and confused. Do not let it die before it matures.

Violence besets violence. The World has the military might to clear away any and every threat. It needn't be this way.

End violence now. Talk peace.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Mr Islam, Shalom

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Dear Mr Islam,

I have begun this blog to you because I think its the only way to talk. The only way to say what I want to say, what I feel needs to be said and without causing great grief and fear.

I write this blog to introduce myself, the humble Jew. I write this blog to try and make sense of the situation you and I find ourselves in. You do not need to answer, you do not need even to listen, but I need write, so oblige me that minor freedom to express to you who I am and what I want.

I know you and your people have lived on or close to this land of Israel for centuries, and I respect that. Just as I know you understand that I and my people have lived here for thousands of years. Its time to resolve this dispute. Its time to say enough. We Jews are tired of being killed and were tired of having to kill you to stop the bloodshed.

"The only justification for our current conflict with the Islam is that God gave the Jewish People this land of Israel. If we Jews do not follow his laws then we have no right to be here."

I hope Mr Islam that you will respect this blog and listen to what I'm going to say. Please feel free to post comments as we go along and hopefuly between us we can build some bridges of understanding such that our children may at the very least live, and with hope they may be friends.

Peace and Shalom Mr Islam...

Mr Jew.