Monday, April 03, 2006

Mr Islam, Shalom

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Dear Mr Islam,

I have begun this blog to you because I think its the only way to talk. The only way to say what I want to say, what I feel needs to be said and without causing great grief and fear.

I write this blog to introduce myself, the humble Jew. I write this blog to try and make sense of the situation you and I find ourselves in. You do not need to answer, you do not need even to listen, but I need write, so oblige me that minor freedom to express to you who I am and what I want.

I know you and your people have lived on or close to this land of Israel for centuries, and I respect that. Just as I know you understand that I and my people have lived here for thousands of years. Its time to resolve this dispute. Its time to say enough. We Jews are tired of being killed and were tired of having to kill you to stop the bloodshed.

"The only justification for our current conflict with the Islam is that God gave the Jewish People this land of Israel. If we Jews do not follow his laws then we have no right to be here."

I hope Mr Islam that you will respect this blog and listen to what I'm going to say. Please feel free to post comments as we go along and hopefuly between us we can build some bridges of understanding such that our children may at the very least live, and with hope they may be friends.

Peace and Shalom Mr Islam...

Mr Jew.

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