Monday, May 15, 2006

Differeing Democracies

Dear Mr Islam,

I urged Israels new prime minister, Mr. Ehud Olmert, to seize this historic opportunity and secure the existence of the State of Israel for many centuries to come. I urge him to seek this bi-laterally, however I offer 100% support of his predecessors unilateral policy.

Hamas have now been in office for almost 2 months and Israels new Kadima party for almost 1 week. I expected a slow start towards whatever the future holds and we appear to be having it.

There has been no bloodshed by Hamas since they seem to busy with their own internal power struggle with Fatah.

There has been no hasty unilateral moves by Kadima as policy is still being set in the troubled face of coalition building.

These are the wide spectrums of democracy, two powers merely meteres apart and yet the democracy of Israel is weakened by its fracticious nature and the democracy of the Palestinians is weakened by the resorting to violence to secure an outcome.

Lets hope Mr Islam that the people that voted in these two governments also have the strength and the voice to ensure peace is secured in the region.

Shalom Mr Islam

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should write more. In general that is. Oh, and I would suggest that you change your comments and put word verification... so you don't get plagued by advertising bots.