Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Synagogues Messianic: Introduction
Or ever wondered about what a Messianic Synagogues is? well now you can find out with the launch of a basic but fun and free
Search by alphabetical listing and scroll through till you find the article that takes your interest. Great way of spending a few spare internet minutes.
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Lets focus on Iran NOW
Iran has become like the weather. Everyone talks about it, but no one knows what to do about it. Now Larry Derfner has written an article "Against a preemptive holocaus''. in response to Benny Morris's chilling depiction of how Iran, once it attains nuclear weapons, will use them against Israel and murder us all.
Derfner's speculative contribution lies in warning us not to dare to preempt Iran militarily as that would involve taking millions of Iranian lives. He says we are going to be tempted to do this because it appears that no US administration will dare to take on Iran.
I do not know for certain that he is wrong, but the US has firmly committed itself to not allowing Iran a nuclear option. The US also has means of preemption that are much more varied and accurate than anything Israel has.
I would thus speculate that the preferred and most likely scenario is one in which the US prevents Iran from attaining nuclear weapons. I hope Israel's leaders will not have to come to the decision Derfner believes will be disastrous for us. Of course, not taking action might at that point be even be more disastrous.
A new religion in town !
The 9 norms include the following four core:
1. God gave man free will to choose to do good or evil
2. actions and good deeds are the true prayers producing results while prayers in words only are meaningless to God
3. children are the future of humanity and the most important subject to be taught in school should be creating a successful family life
4. human beings consist of both spirit and matter; and every living human being possesses an immortal spirit.
"The new Religion is here not to destroy the old gods, but to unify them in a single, true God who will rule all the nations – with justice, love and omniscience..."
I'm not completely sure how this new player will perform but at least they dont preach destruction and war, so all is potentially good.
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Suicide Bombing in Eilat - Wake up !
Monday's suicide bombing in Eilat by a Palestinian should more than suffice to make Israel understand beyond doubt that the cycle of violence and acts of reprisals and counter reprisals will never elicit a final solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict in general and the Palestinian-Israel struggle in particular.
From its inception in 1948, Israel has relied on a policy of carrying out punitive reprisals and, when necessary, defensive offensives to defeat the Arabs militarily. Such a policy worked out well throughout the 1950s and '60s. But the Israeli concept of "strategic depth" has become invalid and useless because today's modern weapons and the Palestinian struggle by human elements have thus far hit almost all parts of Israel.
Furthermore Israeli policy of relying on separation walls, lines of defense and electronic fences will not avail the Jewish state. Israel had better be wise enough to understand that the best option is to solve the core of the Israeli-Arab conflict politically through negotiations and compromise. Otherwise Israel is doomed in the long run, especially if the Iranian nuclear threat is not counted out.
Monday, January 29, 2007
A Little Light Relief from Middle East Strife
I bookmark this funny videos website for a morning fix of humor before I open my emails and check the plethora of painful stories in the news. Whether it be a quick gag or a video it only takes a few seconds to put an infectious smile on your face.
Get your light relief from middle east strife before you start the day.
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Sunday, January 28, 2007
Israel Scared of Peace?
Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa's condescending "I invite Israel not to be afraid of peace." Someone should have told Moussa to his face that there is not a single Israeli afraid of peace, but millions of us afraid of treachery, which has so far been the consistent result of every agreement purporting to offer Israel a measure of peace from the Arabs.
After signing an agreement with Israel, when an Arab government merely ignores its promises of cultural ties, persecutes its citizens for visiting Israel and builds up its army but does not launch all-out war, the Israeli government considers itself lucky.
To this we have come - not because our leaders are afraid of peace, but because they are blinded by enthusiasm at even the most mendacious promise of it
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Jewish Singles never had it so Good!
So its strange (and very heartening) to see more and more organizations standing up and doing something to help the future of our people. To this effect a new Jewish Dating site as launched aiming to bring nachos to Grandma and new Hebrew grandchildren for mothers.
There are a growing number of Jewish Singles out there who with a greater focus on careers simply don't have the time to go out and meet a nice Jewish girl or boy. So this service is a great chance to meet over the information super highway and keep the Jewish line going.
The service is free to join and a Jewish Singles can create their own profiles and review others from the privacy and security of their own home before launching into the dating scene.
I applaud services like this who strive to help maintain Jewish Identity. I've already recommended this site to many of my Jewish Single friends, i'm just waiting now for the first simcha invite !
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Impetus for the creation of Israel
The "creation" of the Jewish state occurred during the period 1880-1939 as a result of mainly non-religious Jewish emigration from Eastern Europe. During that period, the Jewish settlement in Palestine (the Yishuv) expanded and grew in size and sophistication until it was capable of becoming a Jewish state. In the period 1939-1945, when the Holocaust occurred, the status of the Yishuv remained more or less static.
Between 1945-48, very few of those who survived the Holocaust in Europe actually arrived in Palestine, mainly due to the British, and even fewer participated in the fighting that developed into the War of Independence. Only once the state was proclaimed in 1948 did significant European Jewish immigration resume.
So the concept that the Holocaust was the "fundamental impetus for the creation of the Jewish state" of Israel is a misconception that maybe satisfies the Christian guilt complex. In fact, the Holocaust finally made it clear to all concerned that there was no viable place for Jews in Europe.
Those Jews that left Europe for Palestine in the period 1880-1939 were the ones that built and fought for the creation of the Jewish state; those that survived the Holocaust, having made the unfortunate mistake of remaining in Europe, were their beneficiaries.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Anglo-Modiin is not yet live, though when i emailed them they told me within 6 weeks the beta site will be up and running. If you have any advice or suggestions for features, email them at
Basically this site is Anglo's for Anglo's living in Modiin. I say good luck to them
Monday, January 22, 2007
Israel, Astrology and the End of the World
A profound confusion fell upon me when i read that the leaders of this country go for counsel concerning matters of state to astrologist's, diviners and practitioners of witchcraft and the mystical arts, whose activities are strongly condemned and strictly forbidden throughout the Bible. It is written in Proverbs that whosoever despises the word of the Bible shall be destroyed, whereas he who fears the commandments will be rewarded.
At a time when the threat of enemies such as Iran, Hizbullah and Hamas has never been greater and Israel's very existence is threatened, surely our trust should be in the Bible and God, and not in the forbidden arts of Babylon, Chaldea and Egypt.
Cheap flights to ISRAEL
You don't have much time left if you want to spend 'this year in Jerusalem' so pull your socks up and book that flight to israel before they sell out.
The same flight company also offers great deals on Bangkok flight if your looking for something a little different
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Israel MUST Remain Jewish
Israel is unique, a stable democracy that not once in its history has been at peace. It is surrounded by enemies, most of whom deny its right to exist. Although the history of Israel is inextricably bound up with British imperial pretensions (The Balfour Doctrine) and retro-biblical cultism (Zionism), the fundamental impetus for the creation of an independent Jewish state was the Holocaust.
Were I a Jew looking back at the overwhelming cowardice of the gentile world vis-a-vis the plight of my people under Hitler, I would fight to the death for the preservation of the Jewish state of Israel.
It is all well and good to talk about the thousands of loyal Arab citizens of Israel. But there is a fundamental contradiction in that country that we in the US cannot possibly understand. As our nation turns from White to Brown, and Anglo Saxon to Asian and Hispanic, we have nothing to fear because the immigrants and their children can be assumed to accept the core values of our society.
How can non-Jews be expected to adopt the core values of a Jewish state, the most important of which is providing the Jewish people a national safe haven from the periodic attempts to exterminate them?
I don't like the fact that there has to be a Jewish state. I don't even like Bibi. But I am not going to condemn him as a racist for saying that the drop in the Arab birthrate is a good thing for Israel. He is only stating the obvious: The day non-Jews are a majority in Israel is the day Israel ceases to exist. Whether you think that would be a good thing or a bad thing is another question entirely
Moderate Arab Leaders?
Just who exactly is a moderate Arab leader that can impact positively on his constituency?
It was widely known that US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's latest trip to the region was not going to achieve anything, because both Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas lack grassroots support.
Thus, no matter that Condi paid lip service to supporting Abbas, or that her words were preceded by Abbas's call to arms.
This trip really didn't impact on anything except traffic in the center of Jerusalem.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
How NOT to secure release of Kidnapped Soldiers
To obtain Cpl. Gilad Shalit's release, the world believes Israel must release about 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, including terrorists with blood on their hands. Such a prisoner exchange would not lead to more kidnappings, he says, because "If Hamas could kidnap more soldiers it would, regardless of what price is paid..."
This is dangerous nonsense. Kidnappings that result in the release of large numbers of Palestinian terrorists clearly encourage more kidnappings and give a victory to Hamas and any other kidnappers while bolstering their image as heroes.
However, the chief security issue raised by releasing Palestinian terrorists is not more kidnappings, serious and real as that is, but their return to terrorism and murdering more Israelis.
According to a detailed report produced last year by the Almagor Terror Victims Association, Israel released 6,912 terrorists between 1993 and 1999. Of these, 854 committed further terrorist acts, which claimed the lives of 123 Israelis. Baskin avoids discussing this, presumably because it would destroy his argument.
Running a Marathon in Israel
Since Kenyan-born runner Mushir Salem Jawher has had his Bahraini citizenship revoked and the Kenyans may bar him from participating under their flag for two years. This ongoing saga of marathon runner Mushir Salem Jawher: The only crime Mr. Jawher committed was his strong desire to perform as an athlete and pursue his love for running in the Tiberias Marathon.
Why not offer him temporary Israeli residence or citizenship during that time? This would show that we care what happens to visitors to our country, and that we do not practice apartheid. What's more, we would get a top athlete bearing our colors.
Who knows? After the two years are up, he may want to apply for permanency.
Although Israel has no legal obligation to help this athlete, it does have a moral one. If for some reason his problem cannot be solved through the International Athletic Association in Monaco, Israel should offer Mr. Jawher an opportunity to become an Israeli citizen and continue his training in this country, even if this means passing a special law just for him. To turn our back on this man in his time of need would be totally unacceptableMonday, January 08, 2007
Corruption in Israel !!
Since the Jews came into this world as God's chosen people the despots and anti-Semites of this world have tried to obliterate them. They all failed. We survived.
However, as corruption continues to engulf our country we just might accomplish what all our enemies failed to do. We might end up annihilating ourselves with the weapons of greed, corruption and insensitivity that seem to abound.
We are called the People of the Book and the State of Israel was founded as a direct result of the Holocaust, which took the lives of six million Jews. You would think, therefore, that this country would epitomize moral and ethical standards and truly be a light unto all nations.
Iran and Tough Talk - Part 2
The Sunday Times article seemed to be an indirect message to the US to either do it right and destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities with conventional forces, or Israel will achieve the same result using tactical nuclear weapons.
The moral implications of such a move for Israel are staggering. But faced with extinction, Israel would only have to do less than the US did in 1945, when its existence was not at stake.
Iran and Tough Talk
Iran has come out strongly in response to a British newspaper's report that Israel plans to attack Teheran's nuclear sites, declaring that any assault will be met with a response and that "anyone who attacks will regret their actions very quickly."
Something tells me that we Israelis might regret even more sitting on our hands and waiting for Iran to test its weapon on us!