Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Israel MUST Remain Jewish

Israel is unique, a stable democracy that not once in its history has been at peace. It is surrounded by enemies, most of whom deny its right to exist. Although the history of Israel is inextricably bound up with British imperial pretensions (The Balfour Doctrine) and retro-biblical cultism (Zionism), the fundamental impetus for the creation of an independent Jewish state was the Holocaust.

Were I a Jew looking back at the overwhelming cowardice of the gentile world vis-a-vis the plight of my people under Hitler, I would fight to the death for the preservation of the Jewish state of Israel.

It is all well and good to talk about the thousands of loyal Arab citizens of Israel. But there is a fundamental contradiction in that country that we in the US cannot possibly understand. As our nation turns from White to Brown, and Anglo Saxon to Asian and Hispanic, we have nothing to fear because the immigrants and their children can be assumed to accept the core values of our society.

How can non-Jews be expected to adopt the core values of a Jewish state, the most important of which is providing the Jewish people a national safe haven from the periodic attempts to exterminate them?

I don't like the fact that there has to be a Jewish state. I don't even like Bibi. But I am not going to condemn him as a racist for saying that the drop in the Arab birthrate is a good thing for Israel. He is only stating the obvious: The day non-Jews are a majority in Israel is the day Israel ceases to exist. Whether you think that would be a good thing or a bad thing is another question entirely

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