Thursday, August 31, 2006

Make Love Not War

It seems its time for the leaders of the Middle East to start indulging in some sacred sex to avoid reaching these new heights of animosity.

They should visit this stie and check out their free guides Take time to chill out guys... take out your wives and release some pressure..

Ron Arad Coming Home ?

In another twist of the plot by Lebanon, a video has been released apparantly showing the missing IAF soldier Ron Arad, missing in Lebanon since 1986.  The video has been authenticated by family and experts.  No one is sure the exact age of the video showing the soldier dishevelled but healthy. Its thought to be approximately 16 years old.

So what is the point in all this ?

Is this supposed to be the first 'proof of life' should Israel begin planning the usaual 400 terrorist prisoner release package ? or is this merely an opportunity to cause further humiliation upon the people of Israel.

I guess we'll have to wait and see how this latest round of PR games pans out with the Lebanese.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Islam Seeking out New Worlds..

Islam Seeking out New Worlds, places never visited before by mankind.

Whilst I have a healthy facsination with the world around me, the cultures inhabiting the planet and those that are set to inherit this wonderful planetary rock, sometimes i need a restbite (and some mental stimulation)

Lightyears ahead of its time James T Kirk and his starship enterprise knew much more about inter racial tollerance than modern makind. After almost 30 years of Star Treking accross the Universe in a cocophany of regurgitated starship enterprises, we are still yet to learn the lessons of cohabitation, collaboration and coexistence.

And so I call on anyone out there in the Cyber Void of the Internet to take hold of your tricoder broswer and find yourself a convenient online DVD Club to rent or buy a season ot two of star trek... Open your mind and your eyes to the potential of setting animosity to rest and anger to sleep.

Star Trek The Next Generation is my favourite.... peace is out there, as long as we're open enough to accept and embrace it.

I found andd joined a ''William Shatner DVD Club'' which offers great movies to rent and buy.

DVD Club

Lift the Blockade on Lebanon

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has refused calls by Kofi Annan for a fast end to Israel's seven-week blockade of Lebanon. The blockade which whilst I understand is slightly humiliating for any Arab who can see the ships anchored 2 miles of the coast is in place to prevent Syrian re-armament.

I would back Kofi's calls had he had the strength to make good on even a single promise to bolster and deploy a UN force able to take care of at least preventing shipments of new arms to the Hizbullah, let alone disarming them.

So Mr Anan, this one's for you. Get your own house in order, stop deceiving the world and make good on your commitments. Then call on Israel to back off from defending her rights to existence.. let alone a peaceful one !

Comments anyone ??

Iran is no threat to the World

So says the nice Mr Ahmadinejad yesterday.  Well we can all breath easy now can't we !

Appearing on Iran TV during the inauguration of the new Deep Water Nuclear reactor Mr Nice Guy promised the world he is no threat to America, the World or the Zionist Regime.  In fact he is so certain of his peaceful ambitions that he also promised Jihadist Retribution for anyone calling him a liar. !!

Thats it Mr Ahmadinejad, we believe you, why wouldnt we, I mean a country that has the 3rd largest oil reserves really needs nuclear power, and a country whos president at every opportunity threatens to wipe Israel off the map is for sure a peaceful guy unlikely to develop WMD's and use them !

Yes, Iran is no threat to the World just as night is sunny and daytimes are dark !

Monday, August 28, 2006

Jews Control the World of Blogs

Who controls the Web. George Bush, Bill Gates ?, Sergei Brin ?... the Jews ? or Ted Murphy. Ted Murphy i hear you ask... two rumours have come to light in recent weeks.... both as amuzing as each other... take your pick !

In some insane conspiracy, it is claimed (by someone unamed) that in order to secure world information domination a group of associated jews sat down to create a concept whereby powers of communication would be removed from the Media (impossible to control) and given to the man on the street (easily controlable by paying them to write what they want written).. and so the blog was created, a free platform for anyone to write and the Jews to control...

However I have it on pretty good basis that the real conspiracy to control the world of blogs is not a Jew but a man of Irish descent, a man called Ted Murphy. His concept to control the world of blogs is to control the money that keeps them alive. By paying people to post on topics of his desire he eventually plans world domination. I even heard a rumour of ''Ted Murphy for President 2008'' being sung around the Internet. Ted Murphy had this idea that the power of the blogosphere could be harnessed to secure votes for his presidential candidacy. That poor and lowly bloggers would accept a few dollars to post ads for his nomination.... true / false... who knows, we have a year to wait and see!

ads on blogs

What was the Real War ?

The real war was not with Lebanon, it shoudl be with Iran. Why is Israeli media intent on dragging and destroying Olmert over pulling out of Lebanon? That decision is in fact a very good decision. It is time Israel (and the world) focus on Iran. This nation (Iran) is the real cause of Hezbollah's strength and arrogance , the conflicts within the middle east and soon they could have nuclear weapons. Lets not get bogged down in Lebanon as it is not the real problem. The real problem and the real solution is dealing with IRAN.

I've been told by many a collegiue tha to an outsider, the manner in which this war was conducted reflects panic more than military strategy. Using cluster bombs in civilian areas has unfortunately affected Israel's reputation. Israel has effectively lost this battle.

I don't agree that Israel is alone. Many non-Jews in the US understand that Israel is simply fighting an early battle in the coming greater Mideast War. People in the West must understand that this is a fight to the finish, just as WWII was a fight to the finish. Civilians who tolerate armed combatants in their midst will have to be killed along with the combatants. The Allies did it in WWII and brought a quick and relatively merciful end to resistance. The West must adopt these tactics, now. Forget the media's squeamishness and its focus on victims.

The time is coming for the world to unite behind Israel. Not just jews and christians but importantly Muslims who have a desire and stake in a real peaceful tollerant future.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Why Did Israel Concede the War ?

I am afraid Israelis lost a will to fight ground war. We know from history that it is almost impossible for a nation to regain its military spirit after a defeat. Greeks never recovered after the fall of the Hellenistic powers, Byzantium was not a Greek regarding her military, during Byzant.

However the worlds only hope is that Israel does not accept the situation as a defeat. Whilst he world may enjoy and relish in the supposed / alledged fallibility of the invincible IDF it is upto the Israelies to quell this notion (at least internally)

Did Israel lose the will to fight ? or did Israel lose the will to debate politically?

Would the situation be worse or better now had Olmert turned his back on the UN and EU and demanded of his own people a complete unity despite the inevitable painful consequences of this ultimate unilateral action. The question is whether Israel actually needs the support of the International community or how long a shunning would last should Israel take this action for a short time to preserve its long term survival.

As it happens Israel conceded to international pressure who will now bear the true consequences of allowing the fanatic muslim world to revel in victory. This insane extremism will now be pressed on to attempt further victories over the infidels. Where will this end ?

When will this end ?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Advice Post : Get more from my Blog with Ontok


Ever wondered how much time you spend blogging, and how much you could be earning if you were working and being paid?... I've done the maths on the bunch of blogs I write and its worrying. I dont want to sell out and sell advertising space, but i'd like to earn a few bucks while I type.

A new service has hit the web which may just do this, Ontok. This is a pretty cool service for bloggers. I came across it whilst surfing the web and I'm just experimenting with it now. In essence ONTOK HIGHLIGHTER helps you monetize your blog without compromising your blogging integrity. It works a bit like AdSense whereby paid ads are displayed when a user hovers over a word or phrase in your blog.

I've tried a few ways to make some extra bucks for my blogging time but none really pay, this one could be the exception. I like the way ads are only shown when someone hovers over a word rather than the others where ads / banners takeover the look and feel of a blog.

Check my next blog submission where i'll have this activated.... So far from the examples I've seen and the demo on the ONTOK site, it looks pretty clean and the revenues are quite good.

At last a decent way to make some money whilst blogging !!

Check out the ONTOK product overview I've added below. Go to their site and check the demo's. I really think this might take off big time.

Ontok Highlighter

Enhance your site and profits with the Ontok Highlighter! The Ontok Highlighter adds links to keyphrases in your website that are highly informative.

(Check out our web site for a demo, or generate the code for your blog.)

When visitors click or mouseover these new links, they are shown contextually relevant search results and ads from Google, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay,, Technorati, craigslist, and many other web sites.

The Ontok Highlighter only highlights words in your page that are either product-related or topically related to the page being highlighted. This results in ads so well-matched that your visitors will actually find them useful. The Ontok Highlighter increases your site's revenue potential.

We use your link-ids for 80% of the results that we serve. You supply these link-ids when you get the Ontok Highlighter code, and tell us how selective the highlighter should be, which will directly impact your revenue potential. You can choose from millions of possible color combinations to match your site design to the Ontok Highlighter display perfectly.

The highlighter is free, and no minimum # of impressions is required. You will need your Adsense code and, if you have them, your Amazon and eBay code. The Ontok Highlighter highlights words better than intellitxt and Kontera. It was designed by a MIT-trained computational linguist.

Ontok Highlighter

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Time to Profile Airline Passengers?

Contributed by Daniel Pipes:

The debate over profiling airline passengers revived after the thwarted Islamist plot to bomb 10 airplanes in London on Aug. 10. The sad fact is, through inertia, denial, cowardice, and political correctness, Western airport security services — with the notable exception of Israel's — search primarily for the implements of terrorism, while largely ignoring passengers.

Although there has been some progress since the attacks of September 11, 2001, most involves the scrutiny of all travelers' actions. For example, in 2003, the Transportation Security Administration, charged with protecting American airplanes, launched a passenger profiling system known as Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques, or SPOT, now operating in twelve U.S. airports.

Adopting techniques used by the U.S. Customs Service and by Israeli airport security, SPOT is "the antidote to racial profiling," TSA spokeswoman Ann Davis, said. It discerns, she said, "extremely high levels of stress, fear and deception" through "behavioral pattern recognition." SPOT agents observe passengers moving about the airport, with TSA agents looking for such physical symptoms as sweating, rigid posture, and clenched fists. A screener then engages "selectees" in conversation and asks unexpected questions, looking at body language for signs of unnatural responses. Most selectees are immediately released, but about one-fifth are interviewed by the police.

After the London plot, the British authorities instituted a crash-course in SPOT, learning directly from their American counterparts. Building on this approach, an Israeli machine, called Cogito, uses algorithms, artificial-intelligence software, and polygraph principles to discern passengers with "hostile intent."

The airport disruptions following the thwarted London plot prompted much discussion about the need to focus on the source of Islamist terrorism and to profile Muslims. In the words of a Wall Street Journal editorial, "a return to any kind of normalcy in travel is going to require that airport security do a better job of separating high-risk passengers from unlikely threats."

This argument is gaining momentum. A recent poll found that 55% of Britons support passenger profiling that takes into account "background or appearance," with only 29% against. Lord Stevens, the former chief of Scotland Yard, has endorsed focusing on young Muslim men. The Guardian reports that "some EU countries, particularly France and the Netherlands, want to … introduce explicit checks on Muslim travelers."

One politician in Wisconsin and two in New York State came out in favor of similar profiling. A Fox News anchor, Bill O'Reilly, has suggested that Muslim passengers ages 16 to 45 "all should be spoken with." Mike Gallagher, one of the most popular American radio talk-show hosts, has said he wants "a Muslim-only [passenger] line" at airports. In a column for the Evening Bulletin, Robert Sandler proposed putting "Muslims on one plane and put the rest of us on a different one."

Three conclusions emerge from this discussion. First, because Islamist terrorists are all Muslims, there does need to be a focus on Muslims. Second, such notions as "Muslim-only lines" at airports are infeasible; rather, intelligence must drive efforts to root out Muslims with an Islamist agenda.

Third, the chances of Muslim-focused profiling being widely implemented remain negligible. As the same Wall Street Journal editorial notes, "the fact that we may have come within a whisker of losing 3,000 lives over the Atlantic still isn't preventing political correctness from getting in the way of smarter security."

I predict that effective profiling will only come into effect when many more Western lives, say 100,000, have been lost.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Supporting Sides in the Middle East

Several weeks ago, Germany announced its decision to stop all arms sales to Israel. Since then, other countries have followed suit. In response, Israel has canceled its annual multimillion dollar contract for its nationwide DAN buses which were manufactured in Germany, and is looking at other bus suppliers in the US, and Japan.

The Europeans and their Muslim allies should understand that boycotts work both ways. When we said NEVER AGAIN, we meant it. Europe is stuck in the mentality of 1933 and conditioned to thinking of Jews as defenseless entities.

The reality is very different. As long as Europe adheres to and supports its primitive Middle Ages death cult, European products must be off limits.

We continue to call for a complete boycott of travel and products from the following countries France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Holland, and China, due to their support, sponsorship, and/or participation in global Islamic terror. The voting record of the above countries at the UN openly endorses Muslim terror.

Remember, every time you buy a bottle of Evian, a Carlsberg product, a Spanish melon, a Godiva chocolate, a Dior lipstick, a Gucci bag, or a German kitchen appliance, you are financing the next Muslim mass murderer.

The European Union gives over $10 million per month to the Palestinian Authority, knowing full well that the money is funneled to buy, import, and train Muslim terrorists and their weapons of mass murder.

We strongly encourage everyone to buy American and Israeli products instead. Buy Estee Lauder or Ahava instead of Chanel, Dior, and YSL. Tell the salespeople why. Educate the public when you shop. Europe is underwriting the Arab war to exterminate the Jewish state.

We cannot sit idly by while this happens. Make your voice heard and let them feel the sting in their pocketbooks. Let the Europeans know hat supporting terror does not pay.

Advice Post : eBay Gets Easier

I dont usually make off-topic posts, but in this instance I thought it worthwhile. Since its about how I try and fund my time to research and write this blog I thought it would be good to share this little nugget with all my readers.

I came accross this great tool to help with (mainly) the process of buying on ebay. its called and its like a reminder kit for auctions that are ending soon. I use it for all my own regular auctions that are ending coz since I always re-list my regular stock it costs me to have items 'off-the-shelf'

automatic eBay bidder

The automatic bidding feature also helps for when those international auctions are closing at times less convenient for me (sleeping or partying)

Two great things come to mind with this software :

1. Its free and we all love free !

2. it contains NO spyware which is always a concern when trying out new applications (especially free ones)

I was told about this little app a few weeks ago from one of my readers in Germany that i'm in contact with (funny, she is an 80 year old grandma who spends her days trading on ebay !)... apparantly was launched in beta over there about a year or so ago.

I've listed below some of the main features of the software (from the website themselves)

Reminder Features: - easy adding of items: importing from „my eBay“ or open Internet Explorer windows - automatic bidding at a predetermined time - up to the last second before an aution ends - manual bidding and Buy-It-Now straight out of the program - no need to open the eBay Web site - auction reminders as a free text message to cell phones - search function for eBay - administer multiple eBay accounts - no ads, no popups, no spyware

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Golda Meir : said it well

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Advice Post : Ontok Highlighter

Ever wondered how much time you spend blogging, and how much you could be earning if you were working and being paid?... i've done the maths on the bunch of blogs I write and its worrying. I dont want to sell out and sell advertising space, but i'd like to earn a few bucks while I type.

A new service has hit the web which may just do this, Ontok. This is a pretty cool service for bloggers. I came accross it whilst surfing the web and i'm just experimenting with it now. In essence ONTOK HIGHLIGHTER helps you monetise your blog without compromising your blogging integrity. It works abit like adsense whereby paid ads are displayed when a user hovers over a word or phrase in your blog.

I've tried a few ways to make some extra bucks for my blogging time but none really pay, this one could be the exception. I like the way ads are only shown when someone hovers over a word rather than the others where ads / banners takeover the look and feel of a blog.

Check my next blog submission where i'll have this activated.... So far from the examples i've seen and the demo on the ONTOK site, it looks pretty clean and the revenues are quite good.

At last a decent way to make some money whilst blogging !!

Check out the ONTOK product overview i've added below. Go to their site and check the demo's. I really think this might take off big time.

Ontok Highlighter

Enhance your site and profits with the Ontok Highlighter! The Ontok Highlighter adds links to keyphrases in your website that are highly informative.

(Check out our web site for a demo, or generate the code for your blog.)

When visitors click or mouseover these new links, they are shown contextually relevant search results and ads from Google, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay,, Technorati, craigslist, and many other web sites.

The Ontok Highlighter only highlights words in your page that are either product-related or topically related to the page being highlighted. This results in ads so well-matched that your visitors will actually find them useful. The Ontok Highlighter increases your site's revenue potential.

We use your link-ids for 80% of the results that we serve. You supply these link-ids when you get the Ontok Highlighter code, and tell us how selective the highlighter should be, which will directly impact your revenue potential. You can choose from millions of possible color combinations to match your site design to the Ontok Highlighter display perfectly.

The highlighter is free, and no minimum # of impressions is required. You will need your Adsense code and, if you have them, your Amazon and eBay code. The Ontok Highlighter highlights words better than intellitxt and Kontera. It was designed by a MIT-trained computational linguist.

Ontok Highlighter

Monday, August 14, 2006

UN PeaceKeepers: Unifil / Unifarce

Nothing like trying to find folks crazy enough to get involved in a conflict they have done nothing to prevent in the past and nothing to prevent recurring in the future.

The lunatic bin, formerly known as the UN Headquarters is living in a state of psychotic detachment from reality. Who wants to go to Lebanon and get used as a human sheild by the Hizbullah ? Any takers?

This French Major General wants more troops "to arrive as quickly as possible"? What is he going to do with them?

His record so far is ZERO. He did nothing--ZERO--to prevent the present conflict--his men failed even as observers. They couldn`t tell a Hezbollah from a hedgehog. ZERO!

10 years of filing reports ''Hizbullah fire rockets into Israel - Unprovoked Attack''... why should we beleive this will be any different.

And while we're discussing, I fail to understand how the Lebanese army will even attempt to disarm Hizbullah, they are made up of Shiites (brothers), and Sunnis / Christians (hated by the Shiites)... so we face a situation of civil war (unlikely to risk that) or simple the uniting of the Lebanese army and Hizbullah into one large (and legal) Jew hating enterprise of war.

Hezbollah is already rearming & coming back, and you will need real reinforcements!!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Where has the Lebanese army been ?

For 6 years the lebanese army should have been in control of the southern lands. Instead the Hezbullah took up places and positions.

For 1 year the Lebanese govt has had no excuse not to excert its authority.

So all of a sudden we are to expect a so called Lebanese army that wouldn`t get its white gloves dirty disarming Hezbollah to come in and disarm them now and keep the terrorists from re-arming?

Not on your life.

They would probably help Hezbollah keep the supply lines going. Once Hezbollah is decimated should Israel even think about letting a Lebanese army in South Lebanon.