Sunday, December 31, 2006

Stop the Kassams from Gaza

Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni seem to prefer the risk of Kassams to the chance of another IDF operation going wrong. In other words, Jewish blood is cheaper than the blood of our enemies and those who harbor and support them.

As Israeli citizens we need to send a clear, strong message to our government: It is morally repugnant to continue allowing the citizens of Sderot and the Western Negev to live under enemy fire for the sake of "diplomatic grace."

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Flooring for Israeli Homes

Gone are the days of marble, ceramic floor tiles or European carpets, rugs or other non-tethered floor coverings. It doesn't matter if your protecting your rug from an over zealous dog, or if you want the smoothest flattest surface to roll your chair over.

New and improved (whatever that means) Cheap Laminate Flooring is the way forward, I got mine installed yesterday and the speed at which these new floor panels are laid and the value per square meter 'almost' outweighed the fun i did have rolling around my apartment on my computer chair. Did I have fun, yes, would i ever go back to carpet? I doubt it...

Anti-Semitic Jews

Last week, the news was full of sickening pictures of the Neturei Karta kissing the president of Iran.

If the Israeli government wishes to show we truly desire the survival of the state, we need to block the entry of this sect when its members turn up at Ben-Gurion Airport. After all, they wouldn't let a terrorist in knowingly.

We need to make a stand against these effective anti-Semites, hob nobbing with those who openly call for our destruction is pure heresy against this country and our people.

Let this government show it has some sense of order and discipline, we have enough enemies surrounding the country - why would we want to encourage enemies within?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Phone Israel from USA

Now you can save money calling Israel if your an USA citizen with a cingular mobile phone. Calling your friends, family, or if your lobbiest for peace you should check for the latest offers available.

Never again should cost be a consideration for not keeping in touch or making that important call. Especially since the network / call quality is unparalleled in the industry. If you make frequent trips from Israel to America there are also great tariffs that make having a cingular phone worthwhile.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

What America Has Accomplished in Iraq

What the US has accomplished in the Middle East should not be completely obscured by reaction to the Iraq Study Group's report. Most importantly, the overpowering military response to terrorism has painted in bold strokes the clear consequences for foreign leaders who would provide refuge to terrorists, and has proved Americans anything but the paper tigers or passive victims some would have us be.

And because of us, those news photos of enfranchised grandmothers standing before ballot boxes with proudly purpled thumbs are now forever part of Muslim consciousness, and will rise to confront any who seek a return to the past in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond. Neither Islam's anti-democratic elements nor others elsewhere who rail reflexively against America will ever efface such images.

Minority Sunni dominance in Iraq is gone forever. That Iraqis now struggle to put an "Iraqi face" on the democracy our resolve has birthed perhaps isn't as incongruous as it presently appears: Isn't accompanying factional strife the norm rather than the exception for emerging democracies? And doesn't Kurdistan already stand out as a success story?

All this has registered powerfully on the Arab street, even as policy critics choose but to despair.

3 Proposals to 'sort' Iran

The following are three proposals on how to deal with the Iranian crisis. Based on regrouping our 'detterent' against crazed islamic leaders and at the same time buying time as these 'enemies' regroup themselves to obviously fight another day.

1.Strengthen dissident groups that live in Iran in an attempt to overthrow the existing government.

2. A Nuclear strike in the very unlikely event of a direct nuclear attack by Iran,

3. Preemptive military (conventional) strikes on Syria and the Palestinians.

British Blitz Spirit Clothing for Pride

What is more British than a cup of tea, or watching the cricket?  What country has more nationalistic loyalty and altruism than Britain?

Nothing and None!

This country that is full of Blitz Spirit, unity of one people against a common threat against its national pride and treasures.  So why is this country with so much to lose, simply giving it all away.  Fearful of attack on its liberties is it giving in to its enemey, its blitz spirit, once worn on the sleeve of every Brit is now withered and wimpering in the corner.  Only the courageous PM Blair is standing up for what the country used to believe in.

People of Britain unite, wear your pride on your sleeve. Without Britain as our example of unity, the world crumbles, like it or hate it, it is the British upper lip and strength of character that has kept it string over so many years.

UN Resolution 1701 - What a waste

Long forgotten, accepted by the world as passed, implemented and set in stone.  The Lebanese army have control of the south, the UN are ensuring there are no new weapons being smuggled into Lebanon and into the arms of Hizbullah, and of course our three kidnapped soldiers have been returned.

Oh joy for the wonders and strength of the UN

Life is so good, peace reigns supreme in the North and fears of renewed attacks are a thing of the past.... or... think again.

The UN has only lodged complaints about Israeli jets flying over South Lebanon scouting for arms shipments, which it has confirmed photograpic evidence never subsided.  The Lebanese army are camped in small prison like camps in the south to fearful to patrol for fear of raising the wrath of Hizbullah fighters in the area and our Kidnapped boys are nowhere to be seen.

We should stand up and thank the UN for this facade they call peace.  We were promised by Bush, Blair and Annan that a ceasefire would be permanent, while instead we've been sold down the river again.  The only winner will be Nasrallah when he attacks again and our route to stopping him is blocked by 15,000 impetent blue hatted UN soldiers who will do nothing but protect terrorist launching pads.

Bush, Israel and the Right of Return

President Bush wrote in his April 2004 letter that "a solution to the Palestinian refugee issue … will need to be found… through… the settling of Palestinian refugees [in a Palestinian state], rather than in Israel."

But in his spoken speech he said, loudly and clearly, "not in Israel" - signifying exclusion and not preference. Similarly, one of the original three stipulations of the Road Map, demanded from the Palestinians, is the dismantling of the terror infrastructure, and not - as in the much-watered-down version, recently often used even by our representatives - the renunciation of terror.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Israel Month at the UN

On Friday the UN attempted to pass another resolution against Israel with a vote of 158 - 10 for.

There were also 10 abstentions.

Again, if it wasnt for the USA and a few micronesia / marshal island countries out there watching our backs we would have serious problems at this apparant world peace force.

We are now into December.  Traditionally or affectionately known as 'Israel Month' where a number of resolutions are brought to the UN General Assembly by our Arab friends.  We expect another 14 this month!