Wednesday, June 07, 2006

No Need for Peace Treaties in Israel.

Mr Islam,

The Palestinian Israeli conflict likes its twists and turns, and in the most recent it seems both sides are intent and content to 'do themselves in'

In Israel a continued politicas fracas may soon end in the collapse of the Kadima coalition which who knows may bring to power a radical Jewish party !

Whilst in the territories it seems the Palestinians are using guns and violence again to express their views....

Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President, has given Hamas three more days to decide whether it is ready to acknowledge Israel’s existence. But he has made it clear that he will not tolerate any further prevarication: unless the Government accepts the plan put forward by militant Palestinian leaders imprisoned in Israel for a two-state solution, an end to Palestinian attacks inside Israel and a government of national unity, he will call a referendum across the West Bank and Gaza.

Polls suggest that some 77 per cent of Palestinians support the proposal.”
Palestinians are weary of violence, frustrated by high unemployment and desperate for payment of wages. Only by backing Mr Abbas can they hope for any relief. He has offered a route out of despair.

They should take it.

That said, who needs peace treaties and agreements... maybe we should just destroy ourselves and pave the way for a Christian takeover of the holy land !


Mr Jewish

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