I dont usually make off-topic posts, but in this instance I thought it worthwhile. Since its about how I try and fund my time to research and write this blog I thought it would be good to share this little nugget with all my readers.
I came accross this great tool to help with (mainly) the process of buying on ebay. its called www.buyertools.com and its like a reminder kit for auctions that are ending soon. I use it for all my own regular auctions that are ending coz since I always re-list my regular stock it costs me to have items 'off-the-shelf'
The automatic bidding feature also helps for when those international auctions are closing at times less convenient for me (sleeping or partying)
Two great things come to mind with this software :
1. Its free and we all love free !
2. it contains NO spyware which is always a concern when trying out new applications (especially free ones)
I was told about this little app a few weeks ago from one of my readers in Germany that i'm in contact with (funny, she is an 80 year old grandma who spends her days trading on ebay !)... apparantly www.buyertools.com was launched in beta over there about a year or so ago.
I've listed below some of the main features of the software (from the website themselves)
Reminder Features: - easy adding of items: importing from „my eBay“ or open Internet Explorer windows - automatic bidding at a predetermined time - up to the last second before an aution ends - manual bidding and Buy-It-Now straight out of the program - no need to open the eBay Web site - auction reminders as a free text message to cell phones - search function for eBay - administer multiple eBay accounts - no ads, no popups, no spyware

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