Monday, August 28, 2006

What was the Real War ?

The real war was not with Lebanon, it shoudl be with Iran. Why is Israeli media intent on dragging and destroying Olmert over pulling out of Lebanon? That decision is in fact a very good decision. It is time Israel (and the world) focus on Iran. This nation (Iran) is the real cause of Hezbollah's strength and arrogance , the conflicts within the middle east and soon they could have nuclear weapons. Lets not get bogged down in Lebanon as it is not the real problem. The real problem and the real solution is dealing with IRAN.

I've been told by many a collegiue tha to an outsider, the manner in which this war was conducted reflects panic more than military strategy. Using cluster bombs in civilian areas has unfortunately affected Israel's reputation. Israel has effectively lost this battle.

I don't agree that Israel is alone. Many non-Jews in the US understand that Israel is simply fighting an early battle in the coming greater Mideast War. People in the West must understand that this is a fight to the finish, just as WWII was a fight to the finish. Civilians who tolerate armed combatants in their midst will have to be killed along with the combatants. The Allies did it in WWII and brought a quick and relatively merciful end to resistance. The West must adopt these tactics, now. Forget the media's squeamishness and its focus on victims.

The time is coming for the world to unite behind Israel. Not just jews and christians but importantly Muslims who have a desire and stake in a real peaceful tollerant future.

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