Monday, August 28, 2006

Jews Control the World of Blogs

Who controls the Web. George Bush, Bill Gates ?, Sergei Brin ?... the Jews ? or Ted Murphy. Ted Murphy i hear you ask... two rumours have come to light in recent weeks.... both as amuzing as each other... take your pick !

In some insane conspiracy, it is claimed (by someone unamed) that in order to secure world information domination a group of associated jews sat down to create a concept whereby powers of communication would be removed from the Media (impossible to control) and given to the man on the street (easily controlable by paying them to write what they want written).. and so the blog was created, a free platform for anyone to write and the Jews to control...

However I have it on pretty good basis that the real conspiracy to control the world of blogs is not a Jew but a man of Irish descent, a man called Ted Murphy. His concept to control the world of blogs is to control the money that keeps them alive. By paying people to post on topics of his desire he eventually plans world domination. I even heard a rumour of ''Ted Murphy for President 2008'' being sung around the Internet. Ted Murphy had this idea that the power of the blogosphere could be harnessed to secure votes for his presidential candidacy. That poor and lowly bloggers would accept a few dollars to post ads for his nomination.... true / false... who knows, we have a year to wait and see!

ads on blogs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Mr Jewish... to be fair the Jews do have their hand in most pies !!

I'd like to know where you heard this little conspiracy, someone should write a book on the Conspiracy of the Jews... would be bigger than Britannica I reckon... Anyhow you should be flattered you get such credit !

ads on blogs..? whats that about ?