Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Countdown to Nuclear War

I woke up this morning more convinced than ever that truly the world has gone mad.  Okay, not the world itself because Mother Nature as we often call her is innocent and to be vindicated in the events upon her surface and within her midst.

Often I think we humans dont deserve the beauty we have inherited, whether you believe its been given by God or simply evolved into our eternal home.  We are destroying it slowly on the one had with global warming and consumption of natural resources, and on the other ver fast as we approach a Nuclear standoff.

We all though the fall of the USSR and the downing of the Berlin wall spelt the end of this threat to existance.  But no, the warnings we have been given have not been heeded.

This morning the news is of North Korea announcing its first official nuclear weapons test, and its communist (and emerging super power) friend China telling the world to 'chill-out'.  Well i dont want to chill out, China should be repremanded for supporting this action and the free world should take imediate action to prevent North Korea testing and building its arsenal of WMD.  I mean its one thing the liars in Iran claiming they want nuclear power for peaceful means, i understant the world wishing to bury their heads in the sand on that one, but North Korea have the bomb !!!

Lets wake up our neighbours, talk about this at work, in the supermarket and in the pubs, we need to activate our leaders to protect our free world for our children and grandchildren.

I woke up worried but determined for the right course of action.

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