Friday, October 06, 2006

James Going to Work In the UK

It with great sadness that a good friend of mine and part time contributer to this and my other associated blogs will from next week be working in the UK

So, from all of us at Zion Blogs. We wish you good luck. James found a great job in London from an online recruitement site called 'Michael Page' (sorry for the plug)... they have a special site that James used to find out everything he needed about travelling to and working in the UK. They helped him translate his CV into English, arranged interviews (done over the phone!) and then arranged a bunch of second interviews for when he went for a long weekend visit.

Apparantly this recruitment agency help sourcing in Global Opportunities and can offer a complete service to candidates arriving in the UK. This company also helped out with a visa and gave him good advice on where to look for accomdation.

James's valuable opinion pieces and technical analysis wil be well missed in Israel but we wish you all the best in the UK in your new job

working in the UK

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