Sunday, December 31, 2006

Stop the Kassams from Gaza

Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni seem to prefer the risk of Kassams to the chance of another IDF operation going wrong. In other words, Jewish blood is cheaper than the blood of our enemies and those who harbor and support them.

As Israeli citizens we need to send a clear, strong message to our government: It is morally repugnant to continue allowing the citizens of Sderot and the Western Negev to live under enemy fire for the sake of "diplomatic grace."

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Flooring for Israeli Homes

Gone are the days of marble, ceramic floor tiles or European carpets, rugs or other non-tethered floor coverings. It doesn't matter if your protecting your rug from an over zealous dog, or if you want the smoothest flattest surface to roll your chair over.

New and improved (whatever that means) Cheap Laminate Flooring is the way forward, I got mine installed yesterday and the speed at which these new floor panels are laid and the value per square meter 'almost' outweighed the fun i did have rolling around my apartment on my computer chair. Did I have fun, yes, would i ever go back to carpet? I doubt it...

Anti-Semitic Jews

Last week, the news was full of sickening pictures of the Neturei Karta kissing the president of Iran.

If the Israeli government wishes to show we truly desire the survival of the state, we need to block the entry of this sect when its members turn up at Ben-Gurion Airport. After all, they wouldn't let a terrorist in knowingly.

We need to make a stand against these effective anti-Semites, hob nobbing with those who openly call for our destruction is pure heresy against this country and our people.

Let this government show it has some sense of order and discipline, we have enough enemies surrounding the country - why would we want to encourage enemies within?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Phone Israel from USA

Now you can save money calling Israel if your an USA citizen with a cingular mobile phone. Calling your friends, family, or if your lobbiest for peace you should check for the latest offers available.

Never again should cost be a consideration for not keeping in touch or making that important call. Especially since the network / call quality is unparalleled in the industry. If you make frequent trips from Israel to America there are also great tariffs that make having a cingular phone worthwhile.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

What America Has Accomplished in Iraq

What the US has accomplished in the Middle East should not be completely obscured by reaction to the Iraq Study Group's report. Most importantly, the overpowering military response to terrorism has painted in bold strokes the clear consequences for foreign leaders who would provide refuge to terrorists, and has proved Americans anything but the paper tigers or passive victims some would have us be.

And because of us, those news photos of enfranchised grandmothers standing before ballot boxes with proudly purpled thumbs are now forever part of Muslim consciousness, and will rise to confront any who seek a return to the past in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond. Neither Islam's anti-democratic elements nor others elsewhere who rail reflexively against America will ever efface such images.

Minority Sunni dominance in Iraq is gone forever. That Iraqis now struggle to put an "Iraqi face" on the democracy our resolve has birthed perhaps isn't as incongruous as it presently appears: Isn't accompanying factional strife the norm rather than the exception for emerging democracies? And doesn't Kurdistan already stand out as a success story?

All this has registered powerfully on the Arab street, even as policy critics choose but to despair.

3 Proposals to 'sort' Iran

The following are three proposals on how to deal with the Iranian crisis. Based on regrouping our 'detterent' against crazed islamic leaders and at the same time buying time as these 'enemies' regroup themselves to obviously fight another day.

1.Strengthen dissident groups that live in Iran in an attempt to overthrow the existing government.

2. A Nuclear strike in the very unlikely event of a direct nuclear attack by Iran,

3. Preemptive military (conventional) strikes on Syria and the Palestinians.

British Blitz Spirit Clothing for Pride

What is more British than a cup of tea, or watching the cricket?  What country has more nationalistic loyalty and altruism than Britain?

Nothing and None!

This country that is full of Blitz Spirit, unity of one people against a common threat against its national pride and treasures.  So why is this country with so much to lose, simply giving it all away.  Fearful of attack on its liberties is it giving in to its enemey, its blitz spirit, once worn on the sleeve of every Brit is now withered and wimpering in the corner.  Only the courageous PM Blair is standing up for what the country used to believe in.

People of Britain unite, wear your pride on your sleeve. Without Britain as our example of unity, the world crumbles, like it or hate it, it is the British upper lip and strength of character that has kept it string over so many years.

UN Resolution 1701 - What a waste

Long forgotten, accepted by the world as passed, implemented and set in stone.  The Lebanese army have control of the south, the UN are ensuring there are no new weapons being smuggled into Lebanon and into the arms of Hizbullah, and of course our three kidnapped soldiers have been returned.

Oh joy for the wonders and strength of the UN

Life is so good, peace reigns supreme in the North and fears of renewed attacks are a thing of the past.... or... think again.

The UN has only lodged complaints about Israeli jets flying over South Lebanon scouting for arms shipments, which it has confirmed photograpic evidence never subsided.  The Lebanese army are camped in small prison like camps in the south to fearful to patrol for fear of raising the wrath of Hizbullah fighters in the area and our Kidnapped boys are nowhere to be seen.

We should stand up and thank the UN for this facade they call peace.  We were promised by Bush, Blair and Annan that a ceasefire would be permanent, while instead we've been sold down the river again.  The only winner will be Nasrallah when he attacks again and our route to stopping him is blocked by 15,000 impetent blue hatted UN soldiers who will do nothing but protect terrorist launching pads.

Bush, Israel and the Right of Return

President Bush wrote in his April 2004 letter that "a solution to the Palestinian refugee issue … will need to be found… through… the settling of Palestinian refugees [in a Palestinian state], rather than in Israel."

But in his spoken speech he said, loudly and clearly, "not in Israel" - signifying exclusion and not preference. Similarly, one of the original three stipulations of the Road Map, demanded from the Palestinians, is the dismantling of the terror infrastructure, and not - as in the much-watered-down version, recently often used even by our representatives - the renunciation of terror.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Israel Month at the UN

On Friday the UN attempted to pass another resolution against Israel with a vote of 158 - 10 for.

There were also 10 abstentions.

Again, if it wasnt for the USA and a few micronesia / marshal island countries out there watching our backs we would have serious problems at this apparant world peace force.

We are now into December.  Traditionally or affectionately known as 'Israel Month' where a number of resolutions are brought to the UN General Assembly by our Arab friends.  We expect another 14 this month!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

No-Go Zones of France - Where the French Fear to Tread

The 751 No-Go Zones of France

They go by the euphemistic term Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, with the even more antiseptic acronym ZUS, and there are 751 of them as of last count. They are conveniently listed on one long webpage, complete with street demarcations and map delineations.

What are they? Those places in France that the French state does not control. They range from two zones in the medieval town of Carcassone to twelve in the heavily Muslim town of Marseilles, with hardly a town in France lacking in its ZUS. The ZUS came into existence in late 1996 and according to a 2004 estimate, nearly 5 million people live in them.

Comment: A more precise name for these zones would be Dar al-Islam, the place where Muslims rule. (November 14, 2006)

This article is reproduced from Daniel Pipes mailing list

Monday, November 20, 2006

Gaydamak for Prime Minister

The Israeli government has finally figured out what to do about the
deadly rocket attacks on Sderot, which increased tenfold to more than
1,000 a year from their pre-disengagement level. Rockets are becoming
a mainstay of life in Sderot with death count beginning to rise.

Ehud Olmert and his right hand men have continued their diplomatics
trips to the United States and have been quick to criticize Arkadi
Gaydamak for paying out of his own pocket for Sderot residents to get
a brief respite from the daily shelling by heading to the tranquility
of Eilat.

Whilst if I was PM right now I would also realise the poitical threat
of an Oligarch like Gaydamak reaching out to the nation since his
intent is quite obviously to run for Knesset office. However the end
result is the same he is working on the ground to help the situation
whilst the government fails to stem the tide of terrosim at its roots.

Funding a Blog is no Easy Task

Dear Readers,  

Over the last year literally thousands of individuals have read, (hopefully enjoyed) and interacted with me on this Blog.  When I created this Blog, it begun as a bit of fun with a purpose, to bring together two of the oldest and most influential religions to an feeling of mutual trust and discussion.    

Researching topics and responding to hundreds of emails takes a lot of time, and what begun as a not for profit 'in my own time' enterprise how now mushroomed into 'a lot of my time' and the need to find recompense.  

I contemplated adding a link to request donations, but instead opted to offer paid adverts and reviews occasionally.  I hope this does not offend.  

One of these Sponsored Post systems is called ReviewMe, a system that matches relevant advertisers with Bloggers.  These posts will mostly be declared (or will be obvious) as paid adverts.  

For one time payments I will be reviewing products and services and offering honest comments on their interest and value to their target market.  I will never knowingly sell my soul for a few dollars, but like all of us, a crust needs to be earned and I felt this was the cleanest channel to do this.  

Again I hope this does not offend.  Thank you for your continued loyalty and comments.  


Mr Jewish  

The Rules of War dont apply to Israel !

The IDF and government have not found a solution to the Kassam rocket attacks from Gaza. At the same time they offer apoplectic apologies for unintentionally killing non-combatants in Beit Hanun. The government's basic error is not seeming to realize that we are at war with our neighbors.

War means noncombatants killed on both sides. No war was ever won unless the issue of harming noncombatants was not allowed to interfere with aggressive military planning. Israel's obsessive concern over collateral damage will make victory forever impossible, and every military man knows it.

The skewed morality behind this obsession: Having our citizens suffer is less immoral than having the enemy's citizens suffer. Yet in war, as in sports, "Nice guys finish last." Except that in Israel's case, there would be no "next season."

How to Kill a Jew

One day Napoleon and the czar of Russia were talking about their respective Jewish populations. The czar proudly said: "In Russia, we have government-sponsored pogroms, we draft young Jewish boys into my army and we stomp on the filthy Jew whenever possible."

To which Napoleon replied, "Really? In France, we have Liberty, Equality and Fraternity! Jews are full French citizens, free to participate in society, indistinguishable from the rest of the citizenry."

The czar was aghast. "How can you allow them to carry on like that?"

Answered Napoleon: "Look - you kill your Jews your way, I'll kill my Jews my way."

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Where is the balanced reporting?

Why have Israel's government and people not loudly demanded the creation of an efficient, professional ideological warfare department to influence Arab and non-Arab public opinion?

For months Palestinians have been shelling Israeli towns and villages. Where were the photographs and footage showing the damage? Did Israel ask the Security Council for a special session on the attacks from Gaza, even if there was little hope of the UN considering Israel's complaint?

Well-orchestrated Palestinian propaganda forced the council to issue an anti-Israel resolution; only a US veto saved the day. Yet the perpetrators are those who initiated the rocket firing. Israel retaliated and caused civilian casualties.

Israeli IDF thwarted again

Israeli IDF thwarted again by the audacity of the Palestinian peoples.  Last night the IDF ordered the destruction of a home owned by wanted terrorist Mohammedweil Baroud .  As is usual in these situations, the IDF called in the warning to residents to evacuate the home.  Usually this is done, the home is destroyed (often the terrorist escapes) and the innocent civilians are saved.

In this situation a new strategy was taken by the terrorist, he fled to a nearby mosque and called on friends and family to act as HUMAN SHIELDS on his home.  The IDF called off the strike to avoid killing 'innocent' civilians.

Palestinian terrorists called this action a great victory, thwarting the attack and promised this will now be an ongoing strategy.

The question is why the IDF call in these warnings? why do they give the opportunity for escape and further embarrassment to the military effectiveness.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tolerance Is Not Enough... Be Proud of Your Religion

We live in a world where tolerance is a buzz word, where we push messages of peace where Jews should respect Christians and Muslims, where Muslims should respect Jews and Christians and where Christians should do the same.

Is this enough ?

I think the most difficult concept is this theory of tolerance and peace when we rarely tolerate our own religion. Islam is split between fundamentalism and modernisation, Judaism is split between zionism and religion and Christianity is becoming split in all areas. In short the three monotheistic religions are losign their own members. Judaism has a concept called Kiruv (Outreach) to bring jews back into the fold. For Christians there is a new service called Catholic Show a website and regular podcast aiming to being Catholics back to into the arms of the Church.

Every religion should embrace tolerance and this could go some way to creating an understanding of peace, but first we must tolerate our own kind. The Catholic Show goes a some way to promoting this concept and is an example to be set to all other religions.

Are Democrats Good for Israel?

"Are Democrats' gains in House good for Israel? Party leaders insist traditional US support won't be harmed" sounded rational since most nations are wondering the same thing. Then a reporter posed a concern that the Democrats might be "more evenhanded." That gave me pause. As an Israeli citizen, I want teh USA government to be evenhanded.

Is Israel sacrosanct when it comes to criticism? If that's the case, don't you cease to be an "adult" nation, and become a "challenged" child of the US? And if that's the reality, should the US give its daughter dangerous toys?

Evenhanded means being honest with everyone involved.

Peres Bill - We need reform in the Knesset

I find the "Peres bill" another example of undemocratic Knesset action. The present law allows the Knesset to change voting and election procedures by a simple majority when it suits it ("Olmert tries to put out fire sparked by reform plan," November 12).

Two basic reforms are needed: (1) Election or voting procedure changes must be made by 60% of the Knesset; and (2) they should not come into effect until the following Knesset, and should not apply until after the immediate upcoming election.

We must root out the corruption and self-interest the present law allows.

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Is Israel losing its Identity

I would like to remind the elderly, diehard atheist Zionists of Kibbutz Ruhama, who object to the building of a synagogue on their kibbutz, of Ruhama's past history before the present-day kibbutz came into existence.

It was founded in 1912 as the first Jewish settlement in the western Negev, the most southern part of the country inhabited by Jews. The land was purchased on behalf of a group of Russian Jewish religious idealists called Sha'are Israel, who financed its development under the sole management of my late grandfather, Zvi Hirshfeld, a young religious Jew from Riga, Latvia. Together with a group of hard working young Jewish idealists, he prepared for crops, dug a well and built a water tower and other buildings on land legally purchased from local Beduin. Sha'are Israel hoped to come later and settle on the land.

If "Jewish history, the Bible and Jewish thought are all important" to the Ruhama veterans, I would have thought they'd show more tolerance toward a synagogue - one that would, moreover, help increase the profits of their guest house.

Remembering Yitzak Rabin

Yitzhak Rabin was a good son of Israel who served his country with honor and dedication. His assassination was a heinous crime and the killer, Yigal Amir, should have been executed. However, the deification of Rabin by the Israeli Left is a gross insult to his memory, as the motive is purely political.

But there is no need for those many citizens who mourn and respect Rabin, yet reject defeatism, appeasement and self-flagellation, to abandon his legacy.

  • Let us remember the man whose military record was excellent, and who built a war machine which defeated three Arab armies in six days.
  • Let us remember the man who said at the start of the 1987 intifada, that we will break their bones.
  • Let us remember the man who warned that Israel should never give up the Jordan Valley.
  • Let us remember the man who warned the nation that would-be president Shimon Peres was an inveterate schemer.
  • And let us all remember the man who, when asked what would happen if the Palestinians attacked us from the areas we turn over to them, said: That will mean the end of them.

    Rabin's legacy is too big to be squeezed into the Left's corner.

  • Gay Parade Goes Ahead

    Police Chief Insp.-Gen. Moshe Karadi said Monday that 12,000 policemen would be deployed to man the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade scheduled for this Friday.

    Karadi told Israel Radio that his forces would need to receive reinforcements from elsewhere in the country, adding that resultant weakening of forces in other areas was part of the consideration in urging a cancellation of the march.

    Israel's Police Chief said that although he respected the right any group's freedom of expression and its right to march, he advised against the Gay Pride Parade going ahead because the tremendous risk to public safety overrode this right.

    "We had to weigh up freedom of expression on the one hand against human life on the other, but unfortunately (Attorney-General Menahem) Mazuz told us to find another alternative to canceling the march altogether," Karadi told Israel Radio.

    Police were expected to hold emergency meetings early Monday morning with representatives of the Open House, which organizes the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade, to try to reach an agreement on an alternative route for the march in light of the surprise decision by Mazuz on Sunday evening to deny police requests to suspend the march.

    Thursday, November 02, 2006

    Gay Pride in the Holy Land

    There's more to the upcoming "Gay Pride" demonstration in Jerusalem than meets the eye.

    For years, the capital's gay community has sought acceptance in a city that claims to represent Judaism's best values - tolerance, peace and acceptance of "the other." No segment of Jerusalem's diverse population has faced as intense and sustained assault on its existence as the Holy City's gay community.

    For this and other reasons, Jerusalem - more than any city in Israel - stands in dire need of a lesson in tolerance and diversity. This lesson - and not an ostentatious display of sexuality - is the driving force behind the parade.

    Mr Jew Calls Mr Islam

    Phone Israel, Phone America, Phone Palestinian friends...ET Phone home

    Delivered instantly via email. For Israelies calling Hootz, or Diaspora calling Eretz, phone calls can be expensive and complicated even with the advanced technological breakthroughs of the land.

    No fees, like the cards you buy at the store that steel your money. Caller can add more time as needed. Many unique features.

    This is the card I use for interviewing journalists and personal calls. Just to say Hello Instant Phone Cards Calling Cards are the best and most effective way to keep the lines of communication open.

    Where is the CIA?

    Salah Choudhury, the Bangladeshi journalist, is facing the death penalty because he is positive about Israel. We must use all necessary means to get him out of there and show the world that we care about people who are enlightened and courageous and willing to tell the truth to the Islamic people.

    Where is the Mossad? Where is the CIA? Where are the UN delegates to speak out against this horrible injustice and for Choudhury. We must make a terrible outcry.

    Let's not miss this opportunity to show the Islamic world that we care about a man who tells the truth and are against those who spread hatred for it's own sake. Bring this case before the UN now!

    Monday, October 30, 2006

    Disclosure Policy

    This policy is valid from 30 October 2006

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    This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.

    The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

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    Olim Haddashim Have a Greater Purpose

    At a time when blatant anti-Semitism (not always disguised as "anti-Zionism") is sadly on the increase in Britain, it is good to know that an imaginative program of events will be held there to mark six decades of our national independence.

    During 2008, your correspondent reports, "Israeli and British educators" will tour the UK, visiting schools, universities and Jewish communities, and leading seminars "on a wide range of common experiences." Who will choose these educators and what kind of experiences will they impart to their audiences? It is an undeniable fact that, in the not so distant past, some of Israel's cultural ambassadors have given British listeners a decidedly negative picture of the Jewish state.

    This issue will be of particular concern to ex-Merseysiders like myself, since "a large-scale event" is scheduled to take place in our home town, Liverpool, which has been designated "European City of Culture" for 2008.

    Is it too much to hope that those organizing the celebrations, headed by Ambassador Zvi Heifetz and Zionist Federation chairman Andrew Balcombe, will for once ensure that Israeli speakers will include a few veteran British olim - the people who are best equipped and motivated to address Jews and non-Jews alike?

    Illustrate Your Name


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    Road Deaths in Israel

    I see that another person was killed by a driver with multiple traffic violations. May I suggest the following policies:

    • The driver of a car who kills someone and who has multiple violations shall lose his driving privileges for life.
    • Said driver shall pay significant compensation to the victim's family.
    • Said driver shall serve significant jail time.
    • The last judge not to suspend said driver's license shall lose his/her license for life.

    Our Office From Hell

    So you may remember a while back I mentioned that we were moving office, well that is still happening (at some point we hope). Our current office has become our very own office from hell. Located in a downdown neighbourhood is one thing, but the crampt conditions combined with lack of air conditioning in an office of less than 20 SqM occupied by 6 people is becoming trying.

    We took this office 3 years ago to save rent, our landlord from hell gave us a good deal on the office close to the street with broken windows to allow the cool (polluted) air in, and unfortunately our health out!... 3 years on the windows are still broken, our neighbours conduct what I can only term disreputable business....our life here is hell!!

    Anyway, so I found this "The Home Office From Hell contest" on the website of our office realtors, they're offering 12 months rent free for the best 'office from hell'

    Whether we win or not, by January we will be out of this place an in somewhere more hospitable.

    Until then... fingers crossed while we wait for the results of The Home Office From Hell contest. I'll keep you all updated!

    Thursday, October 26, 2006

    Jewish Refugee Problem

    I saw a documentary called The Forgotten Refugees about the history and mass exodus of these Jews, and this movie is one way to dispel the myths that cloud our understanding of the conflict. It is a shame that out of all places, it has not been widely distributed in Israel.

    The world must know that more Jewish refugees were created as a result of the conflict than were Palestinian refugees. The world must know that it is those Jews who were forced out of their homes where they flourished for thousands of years - before Islam was even a religion - that make up the majority of Israel's population.

    Wednesday, October 25, 2006

    Oh No, The President of Iran is right !!!!

    As an Israeli Jew its my duty, logic and responsibility to puiblically disagree and President Ahmedinijad of Iran.  However when he for once speaks the truth it is also my duty to stand up, nod and agree (albeit quietly).

    Last week during the Al Quds Rally in Tehran he ranted about the end of Israel, one line of his madness actually made more sense than a decade of corrupt and confused Israeli politicians...

    'Israel has lost its reason to exist'

    Unfortunately he is right, our right to exist stands on one single premise that however one looks at it, historically or religiously, this land was given to the Jews by the Almighty. (and i dont mean Ariel Sharon).  The more Israelies embrace secular lifestyles and denounce our religion the less we have a legitimate claim on this land.

    If our right is our properties and business, then materialism is always negotiable and ready for sacrifice. However, as we are seeing in the Islamic world, if your calling is your Lord then NOTHING is negotiable and everything is on your side.

    Wake up Israel, we should be worried when our enemies speak the truth.

    Sunday, October 22, 2006

    American Election must be drawing near

    A new grass roots movement has emerged... as these thigns always seem to do as elections draw near, the Take Back the Capitol! campaign has launched a fun video on their website.

    Is it time to Take Back the Capitol!, perhaps, the video makes an interesting democratic view on it, its a chance for citizens to voice thier views and then the world to broadcast them virally round the web... hmm... !

    Israel Needs More OLIM

    Immigration Absorption Minister Ze'ev Boim and top leaders of the ministry are wasting large sums of taxpayers' money on their multi trip, empty purpose tripping around the world.

    Instead, they should be here working on the economy so that Israel would become a magnet instead of a repellent. Tourists don't arrive in the numbers they should and too many and immigrants and native Israelis leave because of problems finding work and affordable housing, low wages and high taxes.

    Fast-track economic and government reforms and Israeli governments will have fewer problems attracting and keeping a larger Israeli population.

    A Palestinian Responds...

    Make of this what you will, but at least its open dialogue....

    I am writing as chairperson of UNRWA's Advisory Commission - comprising 21 member governments and three observers - whose mandate is to advise and assist UNRWA's commissioner-general in the execution of the agency's program.

    During its most recent meeting in Amman on September 27-28, the commission deliberated on the report of the UN Board of Auditors referred to in your article and was satisfied with UNRWA's responses to the report's findings. Despite the points raised in the auditors' report, UNRWA is not being mismanaged and it did receive a clean bill of health, unlike the article suggests.

    The article reports on a letter from two US congressmen to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, commenting on this auditor's report, in which the suggestion is made that UNRWA is grossly mismanaged and that its refugee camps may foster terrorism. These are serious allegations, but to the writer's credit he notes that the allegations of the congressmen "do not jibe with a close reading of the audit." He also correctly points out that the congressmen's letter could undermine UNRWA's constructive regional role and could be detrimental to US efforts to stem the crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory. In spite of these accurate comments, the impression created by other parts of the article is that UNRWA is mired in mismanagement and may be conducive to terrorist activities. This impression is incorrect and must be dispelled.

    Under its present leadership the agency has taken courageous steps to modernize and strengthen its management. UNRWA has embarked during 2006 on a substantive process of management development, which will address most of the issues raised by the auditors. The article omits this important fact. The centerpiece of the reform effort is a three-year organizational development process that will improve the way the agency manages its operations and will thereby enhance the impact of its services. As such the reforms will address the issues raised by the auditors in a thorough, systemic way. The fact that the reform process is endorsed by refugee-hosting countries as well as by donor countries is a measure of the confidence UNRWA's stakeholders place in the agency's management.

    Contrary to the audit report, your article does not acknowledge the extremely difficult circumstances in which UNRWA is compelled to operate. The agency's record of humanitarian service to Palestine refugees could not have been achieved without sacrifice and risks by its staff. Indeed, the UN Board of Auditors report acknowledges that some of the procedural delays and administrative complications identified were directly attributable to difficulties faced by the agency's staff in gaining access to its headquarters in Gaza.

    Rather than suggesting that UNRWA camps would foster terrorism, UNRWA should be commended for the fact that it has always been a force of stability in the region. In the West Bank and Gaza Strip it delivers essential services, the continuation of which are in Israel's and the international community's interests.

    The agency's management is not only genuinely committed to reform, but also conscious of the need to translate reforms into optimal delivery of services to Palestine refugees. For all these reasons, UNRWA deserves our continued support and encouragement.

    Netherlands, Representative to the, Palestinian Authority, Ramallah

    New President of Israel - Rabbi Lau?

    Reform Rabbi Michael Boyden argues that Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau should not be elected president of Israel because he is unacceptable to Reform Jews

    However, Reform Jews represent a small fraction of 1 percent of Israelis. Let the people chose whom they want. 

    To Anti-Semite or not to Anti-Semite

    Perhaps it is time to replace the euphemistic and equivocal "Anti-Semite" with "Anti-Jew." And while all anti-Jews are likely to be anti-Israel, all anti-Zionists are not necessarily anti-Jew.

    Wednesday, October 18, 2006

    Hummus Recipe - Israel Style

    Okay, forgive me this luxury, but being Jewish and Living in Israel obviously qualifies me to be an expert on hummus ! or so some people might think. Over the last year and a half since I've been here I've been perpetually asked how to make it, what's my favorite type, how often I indulge and what's my favorite brand.

    So once and for all, here is my definitive guide to 'make your own hummus' because that's what I do :-)

    Firstly, get the right stuff together, essential is a good food processor even more essential is the right ingredients. The actual job of making it is very simple.

    2 cups of canned (or fresh, pre-soaked) chick-peas, drained of juice
    2 fresh lemons
    1 tablespoon of salt
    1/4 tsp. cumin / paprika
    3 tablespoon pure tahini paste
    1 garlic clove (cut and mashed)
    2-3 tablespoon of virgin olive oil
    parsley (just for garnish)

    Take all the ingredients and put the in the
    food processor or blender, process until the chick-peas are smooth. Place this in the fridge in a sealed container. Serve chilled, with the coarsely chopped parsley on top. For extra style, reserve 1/4 cup unmashed chick-peas and sprinkle on top. A tad more garlic could be added for flavor and a sprinkle of paprika.

    There you have it... simple and straight forward. if you need any other assistance on processors or cooking equipment, check out Kitchen Appliance Guide its a pretty decent site with lots of other tips and recipes.

    Can we now get back to more serious current affairs matters at hand ?

    Israel Moving Forward

    Whats next on the Middle East agenda...? we can only wait and see (or speculate like the mass media seem to enjoy)

    Current rumours abound:

    - The IDF is preparing for a large scale incursion into Gaza
    - Olmert about to risk relations with Russia by pressuring Putin to intervene with Hizbullah
    - Sharansky for President !
    - Abbas to launch a military coup to out Hamas
    - Moshe Katzav to be cleared of allegations
    - Syria amassing troops close to Golan to force peace !

    Lets see how the world turns in the next few days...

    Tuesday, October 17, 2006

    The best time to visit Isreal - NOW

    With high holidays a distant memory and the deconstruction of Succahs complete all accross the country this is the best time to visit Israel. With foreign tourists back on home soil and domestic tourists back at work there are some great deals to be had from Hotels and the only real off-peak prices for flights.

    Where to start your search... often the high street agents will not offer the best prices, and going direct to airlines also may not reap the best rewards. You could look online for deals at places like Travelocity or Expedia these offer great build your own and package holiday deals. Make sure you find a site that offers online coupons for travel and trips.

    If you manage to get a great deal, let me know,let your friends know,lets keep the tourist numbers up and keep Israel in the peaceful spotlight.

    Shana Tova

    New President of Israel - Sharansky?

    Movedhave begun and speculation is rife.  Natan Sharansky has left the Knesset so he can make a real difference outsite Poltics, fuelling rumours he's positioning himself to be nominated for President of Israel.

    Natan Sharansky would bring to the office of president a large measure of dignity that is lacking today. He would not bring much political baggage, as would Ruby Rivlin on the Right, Collette Avital on the Left, and even Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, who would be mired in the country's religious-secular problems.

    Though Sharansky is of short physical stature, he is virtually a giant among the people of Israel!

    Israel Opinion on Moshe Katzav

    Most Israelis have no clear understanding of what the president did or did not do. This may even still apply to those deciding on his indictment. But almost all of us have already formed an opinion.

    While the accusations are repulsive, even more so is the release by the police and other agencies of what may or may not be going on - a cheap way of currying favor with the media or besmirching a man's character while a difficult and sensitive issue is being investigated.

    If the accusations are valid, a trial will reveal all the squalid details. If not, they aren't our concern. Some of us here have learned that keeping one's mouth shut is a virtue; clearly many in the government have not.

    While the media may publish them, the stories originate with agencies whose duty is to protect the privacy of those they deal with. They have failed miserably. They need to be investigated as well - without leaks

    Monday, October 16, 2006

    Israel leads again in Web Based Systems

    As the leading provider of web-based assest tracking software solutions Siterra delivers three unique solutions to meet Israeli market needs; REMS, Real Estate Management System; SMS, Site Management System and Siteseer. Primarily Sbarro, the famous pizza chain accross the country has implemented these systems with more to follow.

    By implementing Asset Tracking Software companies are able create operational efficiencies for total site management activities including , reducing costs and generating incremental revenue.

    Jonathan Pollard set to be released

    Attention grabber!!!

    Unfortunately for Pollard, this is highly unlikely, this case, similar of the infamous Dreyfus case in France, continues to cast a shadow of shame upon the US Justice Syste, the government of Israel, and indeed all the American Jewish community.

    Differt from the Dreyfus case in that Pollard actually did commit a crime, there still is little justification for the great imbalance of his sentence to date. In view of the US government's reneging on Jonathan Pollard's agreeing to plead guilty in return for a reduced sentence.

    Perhaps this will be the final swan song of Bush junior as he bids farewell to his term in office and thanks Israel for our unswerving support during his tenure.

    Personally though I cant see it. The more Pollard lambasts Israel and USA the less he endears himself to a swift release.

    Moshe Katzav : to cover up or not to cover up

    This is the question.... As Jews we are meant to be a light unto the nations. As a democratic state we are supposed to be transparent and honest.

    But how far should a state go to impress those around it? how far should a free country go to exploit its leaders and leadership system for personal gain and advance.

    Today the Israeli President was formally prepared to be indicted for numerous charges of sexual misconduct. Is he guilty or not is not the issue I raise, i raise the concern that this pillar of our country who served in total command of the post in with complete support of a nation for the last 7 years is set to stand down in 2 months as his term comes to an end.

    Should we, could we have waited until he became a citizen again before subjecting him and the country to this embarrasement.? I'm not suggesting a guilty man should be protected and i'm not suggesting a total coverup. All i propose is that certain elements in society should be prevented from bringing the country into a shameful position when such a delicate matter could have been handled better at a different time.

    Alas this is not to be and those who begun the process are those set to gain the most. Unfortunately the country as a whole and the nation in general are sacrificed to another punch of negative world opinion.

    We could have done this better....

    Sunday, October 15, 2006

    Thinking of Moving to Israel?

    Israel is not a straight forward country to move to.

    So are you thinking of Moving to Israel, then if you are, be prepared for the cost and the balagan of packing, storing and moving your posessions from one side of the world to another.

    Advice: Take some time to educate yourself on the ups and downs of moving, and of by researching helpful tips, guide and articles. There are a number of good companies that help you take the train out of emigration. The one I used (on recommendation) was

    They offer online quotations and send you links only of companies able to competently fulfil the job at hand.

    The offer a complete service from initial consultation and quotation. Then use their Self Storage Directory - to see where to store until your ready to move. if you take their full service then they delvier all the packaging materials you need, then when your ready will come round with their team of professionals and do all the careful packing for you.

    From packing and storing prior to shipping they really were very helpful. And when the shippment arrived in the port of Haifa they were there to help with the customs paperwork and the final ongoing transfer from port to my new home in Tel Aviv. Agreed in the price was the unpacking.

    It really was a door-to-doo service. One I was recommended to and one i now recommend to my friends and family.

    Use a professional moving company for Israel, believe me its worth it !

    Self Storage Directory -

    Can Hamas Survive?

    What is clear is that Hamas cannot survive under the following two circumstances:

    1. Ongoing suspension of International Aid.
    2. Ongoing civil strife between warring factions.

    So what needs to be understood is how can these two situations be resolved in order to give the Palestinian people a chance of real peace and stability in order to work and build towards self sufficiency and common unity of altruistic hope.

    There are arguments aht why should aid be given to nation who want to destroy us in the west and themselves in their own land? and why indeed should it's withdrawal be considered a punishment? Who has the right to decide that certain people or countries have a right to western aid. Personally I would not offer money to someone who happily declares he is my enemy.

    Freedom is about choice. All choices have consequences. Democracy provides a forum to make choices. Freedom demands one accept responsibility for the consequences of choice. Currently the Palestinian people have elected a body by their own volition, a body that has and still does promise only violence. Certainly people are responsible for their own actions and in a democracy this starts with their vote.

    It's time for the Palestinians to stop considering themselved victims of Israel or of USA, stop crying about what others aren't giving/doing. Stand up and claim responsibility. That is true freedom.

    The Palestinians must understand the consequences of their vote, and the consequences of continued violence.

    In Judaism we say the reward of a sin is a sin and the reward of a miztvah (good deed) is another mitzvah. Therefore in the contemporary world the reward of violent talk is violent action and the reward of peaceful words is peaceful action.

    Its time for the Palestinians to begin talking peace and renouncing violence, its time they gace it a try.

    Barmitzvahs and Baptisms in the Holy Land

    The Jewish State, the country of Israel is home to over 5 million Jews and over 1.5 million Muslims. The rest of the population (1 million) range from Christians, Hindus and a variety of athiests and agnostics.

    Many come to Israel during the year for holidays, others come for spiritual reasons such as barmitzvah, christnings and more and more popular are baptisms in Jerusalem and Nazereth. Make your travel plans online, everything from flights to hotels to baptism invitations There are many sites that cater to the 3 million tourists that come to Israel esch year. For all your Christian wedding and bapism needs, this is the best value site on the web.

    Israel and Religious Tolerance

    There is no better expression of Israel's sovereignty and magnanimity than the reported decision to allow Jordan to build another minaret on the Temple Mount. It is, of course, for the government of Israel to decide who goes up to the Mount, and when.

    Much of the world forgets that when Muslims hold Friday Ramadan prayers on the Temple Mount, they do so with the protection and indulgence of the Israeli authorities. Israel should be congratulated on its continued religious tolerance.

    Prisoner Swap: Dont Forget Ron Arad

    Friends of Ron Arad today are calling on the government to demand the return of Arad in any future prisoner exchange deal.

    Israelies fear history repeating itself in the case of the three soldiers held captive by Hamas and Hizbullah.

    Arad, was captured after his jet was shot down over Lebanon in 1986, Arad presumed dead by Israel has had no clear signs of life received despite continued efforts to obtain information over the years.

    Last month, however, speculation over Arad's fate was renewed after a Lebanese TV station released a video showing footage of Arad speaking from his prison cell. The footage was deemed authentic, but did not point to any definite sign that the navigator was still alive.

    Despite opinions that Arad was killed, senior defense officials have said that as long as Arad has not been confirmed dead, he will be assumed

    Thursday, October 12, 2006

    I Like a Bargain but Dont Call me Jewish


    Okay, so theres sterotypical characteristics of Jews, I won delve into the details because its mostly not true. But the first rule of common sense says if you see a bargain, take it. The second rule is that if you take this bargain and its good, tell people about it.

    So here goes... I came accross this great site that has a huge directory of coupons. Dividied into easily browsable categories for all your favourite stores.

    My personal favourite that I use almost every week is the Alibris Book Store Coupons They sell books online new, uesd and out of print books... great for my research and personal current affairs interests.

    Great Discount Coupons

    Israel allows 5th Temple on the Mount

    Two ironies for today, first the insanity of the Palestinians kidnapping the people that do and could help them the most.

    And secondly, that whilst Israel is attacked for building on supposed occupied territories (debateable in a seperate post), Israel yeserday gave no objection to the building of a 5th temple on the temple mount. A piece of real estate that is not really in disput as to the rightful owners.

    Jordan basically plans to construct a fifth minaret up on the Temple Mount, the Hashemite Kingdom is has plans to begin building early next year. The minaret, which will be constructed on the eastern wall of the Temple Mount near the Golden Gate, will at 42 meters be the highest of the minarets on the Mount and the first to be built in more than 600 years.

    We could say its heresy, we could say its balsphemy to build such structures on the site of Judaisms most holy of holies, but for the sake (or hope) of peace, Israel will allow it.

    Hum !

    Wednesday, October 11, 2006

    Researching Jewish Blogs a New Way

    The Fish

    Change the way you think about using the Internet for research and discovery !! This is the aim of a collegue of mine Mark Seremet. He is about to release a product called Repliqa, which he claims is going to reshape your interaction with the web. Repliqa is his little baby, a powerful Discovery Engine.

    He defines discovery as coming across something that you didn't know you were looking for as in by chance, discover something unrelated or related to your initial query using The Fish. Some search engines sites claim to help you discover things

    For me constantly surfing for interesting facts for my blogs the product looks quite interesting, but for me (not very tech savvy) difficult to explain, check out his blog for the details

    UN Teacher Freed by Hamas

    Yesterday the Hamas Government released kidnapped UN Teacher Michael Phillips.  No news yet on Gilad Shalit, Kidnapped Israeli !

    The obvious truth is thas some within the Palestinian culture don't want to live peacefully beside a Jewish state. They simply want to eradicate it.

    The Palestinians have an (only) long history of violence and the concept of kidnap is simple proof. Europeans and the USA have been the best friends to the Palestinians compared to their Arab brethren - yet terrorists continue to kidnap Americans who are in Gaza either as reporters so that the world can see the events there, or as students who are working to help improve the lives of the Palestinian people. Peace?

    This concept is another on the long list of ironies

    Israel News Summary... things on the up !

    1.  In the Israeli media, all papers note that Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit told the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram that due to the Palestinian internal fighting, the Palestinians are ruining the chance for peace with Israel.

    2.  Several papers also report that the Lebanese Defence Minister
    Elias Murr announced yesterday that the Lebanese army confiscated weapons from Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon.

    3.  Olmert's meeting with Kadima members and senior Israeli Labour party officials, where he expressed the need to expand the government's coalition.

    4. Ynetnews are reporting that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said in an interview to the
    al-Arabiya satellite television network last week that neither Fatah nor Hamas are required to recognise the State of Israel.

    Letter of Apology from the Jews

    Are you bothered by the way Israel is dealing with the situation in Lebanon? Are you pained by the way Israel treats the "Palestinians"? Does Jewish existence in general irriatate you?

    Watch this 5 minute video, and pass it on !!!

    This is pretty clear and honest stuff, even if it was transcripted by the slightly nutty Rabbi Meir Kahane

    Tuesday, October 10, 2006

    Current Affairs And Education on your Free iPOD

    What better use for an iPOD than to download and copy accross all your favourite news and current affairs audio files. Or for those of us that have become a little obsessed with PodCasting (to appear here in the near future).

    I now spend my morning bus ride to work listening to the latest podcasts from blog subscriptions and special correspondant reports from the major news corporations. And how did I do this you ask, well i found this site where you can Get a Free iPod from Now, so dont hesitate, click, enter and win today.

    And here is how you can get yourself a free iPOD if you dont already have one. (or a second one if you already do.

    Get a Free iPod from Now

    3,000 South African Jewish Orphans

    Arcadia - the South African Jewish Orphanage - is celebrating its centenary and over its 100 years of existence has taken care of more than 3,000 children in residence in Arcadia and has helped an even greater number who were never in residence.

    It is estimated that up to 5 percent of the South African Jewish population would have a direct connection with Arcadia and they or their parents or grandparents would have lived in or received help from Arcadia. Also it is estimated that in earlier days, 50 percent of South African Jewish families would have been financial members of Arcadia.

    Arcadia still exists in Johannesburg, taking care of Jewish children in need and is still in need of our financial support.

    More than 120 "children" (including many now living in Israel) have recorded their memories of Arcadia in a book 100 Years of ARC Memories and have raised funds to print 4,000 copies, which are on sale in the UK, US, Canada, Israel, Australia and South Africa to raise funds for Arcadia. All proceeds on sale of the book go direct to Arcadia.

    Palestinian People Support Terrorism

    Last week, Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the Palestinian Authority and head of Fatah, said: "It is not required of Hamas, or of Fatah, or of the Popular Front to recognize Israel" (Al-Arabiya, October 3). We must also remember that Hamas, leaders of the PA, openly calls for Israel's destruction, as does Fatah's Charter. Both the Saudi Arabian initiative and the Abbas-backed "Prisoners Document‚" call for the "right of return," which is clearly incompatible with Israel's existence as a Jewish state.

    This is also consistent with Palestinian views. A September poll, carried out by the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, found that 57 percent of Palestinians support terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians within Israel's pre-June 1967 borders. Another poll the same month conducted by the Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at An-Najah University found that 61.3% of Palestinians support terrorist attacks upon Israelis inside Israel.

    On top of all this, not a single map in the PA or in any Arab country displays a country called Israel, only "Palestine."

    Jewish Wiki on its way

    I'm looking for voluntary help to build the first Jewish Wiki

    It will be the first of its kind, a collaborative open source project.

    To learn more about How to create a free wiki follow the link

    To contact me to find out what we need to do, email me at


    Sunday, October 08, 2006

    Palestinians Hijack the 'Achille Lauro'

    Yesterday, 7th October was the 21st Anniversary of the hijacking.  The day went largely unoticed in the media since the world has 'moved on' and doesnt want tarnish todays terrorists the brush of their predecessors !

    The hijackers of the Achill LAuro were from the PLF (Palestinian Liberation Front), a militant group of Yasser Arafat's PLO Palestinian Liberation Organisation.  The hijakers brutally
    dead a disabled American tourist, 69 year-old Leon Klinghoffer and unmercillously threw him overboard with his wheelchair.

    The hijacking crisis was ended on 10 October when Egypt gave free passage to the hijackers in exchange for the fredom of the rest of the hostages.  However US Navy jets quickly intercepted the chartered Egypt Air 737 carrying the terrorists and forced it to land in Italy.

    Four were tried in Italy and sentenced to long prison terms. Abu Abbas, the mastermind and planner unfortunatly escaped jail and stands convicted in absentia.  Abbas was arrested by US forces in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, in April 2003 and died in custody in March 2004. A post mortem examination showed he died of heart disease.

    The irony of the story is the boat continued its jinxed life until it caught fire and sank in 1994.

    May this be a lesson to remember for all involved and all affected by terrorism today

    British Muslims Banned from Wearing Veils

    Not quite yet, but perhaps this is where the country heading.  Just like its cross channel buddy France, the UK is heading for a storm as it begins to tackle another seperation factor within its multi-cultural society.

    Jack Straw, ex-Foreign Minister and contender for Deputy Leader sparked the row by admitting he 'requests' (thats requests, not demands) that his female muslim constituents remove their veil if they choose to come and speak to him.  Note he doe not make this 'request' when he goes to speak to them on their terms.

    I dont see the fuss, this is just another cultural clash.  In the west we put much emphasis on body language in our communications.  So by veiling, a Brit is put at a disadvantage, its just human nature.

    Now Prescott and a bunch of other 'right-on' MP's have thrown their weight behind what should be a healthy debate but will probably end up with some burnings, lootings and beheadings.

    Friday, October 06, 2006

    James Going to Work In the UK

    It with great sadness that a good friend of mine and part time contributer to this and my other associated blogs will from next week be working in the UK

    So, from all of us at Zion Blogs. We wish you good luck. James found a great job in London from an online recruitement site called 'Michael Page' (sorry for the plug)... they have a special site that James used to find out everything he needed about travelling to and working in the UK. They helped him translate his CV into English, arranged interviews (done over the phone!) and then arranged a bunch of second interviews for when he went for a long weekend visit.

    Apparantly this recruitment agency help sourcing in Global Opportunities and can offer a complete service to candidates arriving in the UK. This company also helped out with a visa and gave him good advice on where to look for accomdation.

    James's valuable opinion pieces and technical analysis wil be well missed in Israel but we wish you all the best in the UK in your new job

    working in the UK

    Thursday, October 05, 2006

    Muslim Hate Police in London

    Scandal and embarassment in the UK today as it emerges a Muslim Police Officer refused to take up his duty to guard the Israeli embassy in London.  His request was accepted and he stood down.

    Double standards....

    Double standards by the police force trying to promote equality, racial tollerance and an end to predudice

    Double standards by the officer who joined the force to protect England, its residents, assets and associates (this includes international bodies present on English soil)

    Double standards by the UK for allowing such behaviour to go unpunished when a rise in anti-sematism is being fuelled by anti-sematism being fuelled by extremists within home grown Islam... Perhaps its not just extremists that are antu semitic and anti Israel.  Perhaps its a nascent hatred in all Islam ?

    Thoughts please ?

    Wednesday, October 04, 2006

    Disney Florida for a Cool Holiday

    Its holiday season, and the trip I've been promising my wife for 5 years has finally come. It didnt take me five years to save up for it because firstly that would be insane and secondly I found a great place where is didnt cost as much as I thought.

    The wife (and kids for that matter) have demanded a Florida Holidays trip to Disney for a while, so thats where we'll be heading next week.

    So, my avid and loyal readers !... if the blog goes quiet for a couple of weeks you'll know why. I've havent told the family that I bought a new Blackberry so I should be able to post blogs and I think ofthem from the top of space mountain or from the depths of Magic Kingdom Park. Though to be honest I think I'll spend most of my time at the MGM Studios...

    Florida Holidays at Disney. I could have opted for a slightly cheaper drip to Euro Disney in Paris but lets be honest.... the weather, the over exaggerated American smile and 'have a nice day' there's only one place to see Disney!

    I'm packing as I write (testing out my blackberry) so excuse any bad spellings, take care and be prepared for some holiday posts :-)

    Palestinians Go Crazy for Independance !

    All hell seems to be breaking loose in the Palestinian territories.

    Gun Battles
    Govt Building Burnings

    While civil war erupts among our neighbours we in Israel are enjoying the clearest relative calm in a long time.  For months Olmert and Sharon were lambasted for disengagement, blamed for hundreds of rockets falling on Sderot and the unfortunate kidnapping of Gilad Shalit (still to be returned home)

    And all the while, the world finds an excuse to blame Israel for this collapse in Palesitinian affairs.  Israel was blamed as an occupier and then now blamed for giving them their 'freedom'.  Israel was blamed for preventing democracy and is now blamed for giving them democracy.

    Its an interesting situation of no-win Israel.  Though the reality is that the only no-winners is the Palestinians whow simply want a chance to make something of their lives.

    Muslim Baby Names

    This is a cute site that one of my Muslim friends told me about. He asked that I put a quick mention on the blog for other Muslim readers. Its source for parents looking for authentic Muslim Baby Names

    The site gives backgrounds to the concept and ideology of baby naming in Islam together with information about each specific name. I'm now researching for an equivalent Jewish one (just to promote equality here)

    Muslim Baby Names

    Hezbullah Won the Hi Tech War

    It seems not only did Hezbullah win the physical war, the public relations war and the psychological war, but now it appears they also won the Hi Tech War!

    New evidence has come to light that shows listened to mobile phone conversations by Israeli civillians and the IDF (Israel Defense Force) during its intelligence gathering planning prior and during the war.

    Israel has always prided itself on its IT supremecy and perhaps it was this arrogance that led it to believe it could not be beaten at its own game.  However as we saw during the confrontation the Hezbullah they have UAV's now it seems we are confronting an aggressive enemy with all the weapons and defense systems it needs at its disposal.

    Counter counter intelligence is now needed by the Israelies not to second guess but to third guess its opponents !

    Samson Blinded - Controversial !

    Make up your own mind on this very controversial new book called 'Samson Blinded'. Its been deleted from Amazon including all user reviews and both Google & Yahoo have banned it from their pay per click advertising schemes for containing 'unacceptable content'

    When i heard about that i just had to learn more. Always one for a bit of controversy! It pitches itself as 'A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict'

    You can download the book here : Samson Blinded

    And keep upto date on the author and his work at the blog of the same address. I welcome readers comments and emails after they've read it. I can guarantee at the very least it will open your eyes !!

    Countdown to Nuclear War

    I woke up this morning more convinced than ever that truly the world has gone mad.  Okay, not the world itself because Mother Nature as we often call her is innocent and to be vindicated in the events upon her surface and within her midst.

    Often I think we humans dont deserve the beauty we have inherited, whether you believe its been given by God or simply evolved into our eternal home.  We are destroying it slowly on the one had with global warming and consumption of natural resources, and on the other ver fast as we approach a Nuclear standoff.

    We all though the fall of the USSR and the downing of the Berlin wall spelt the end of this threat to existance.  But no, the warnings we have been given have not been heeded.

    This morning the news is of North Korea announcing its first official nuclear weapons test, and its communist (and emerging super power) friend China telling the world to 'chill-out'.  Well i dont want to chill out, China should be repremanded for supporting this action and the free world should take imediate action to prevent North Korea testing and building its arsenal of WMD.  I mean its one thing the liars in Iran claiming they want nuclear power for peaceful means, i understant the world wishing to bury their heads in the sand on that one, but North Korea have the bomb !!!

    Lets wake up our neighbours, talk about this at work, in the supermarket and in the pubs, we need to activate our leaders to protect our free world for our children and grandchildren.

    I woke up worried but determined for the right course of action.

    Sunday, October 01, 2006

    Pope Benedict : ''God = Allah''

    Sep. 25, 2006 update: Pope Benedict reaffirmed this point, this time even more forcefully. In the course of a statement to Muslim ambassadors, he quoted the Nostra Aetate issued by the Second Vatican Council:

    The Church looks upon Muslims with respect. They worship the one God living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to humanity and to whose decrees, even the hidden ones, they seek to submit themselves whole-heartedly, just as Abraham, to whom the Islamic faith readily relates itself, submitted to God.

    The pope endorsed this 1965 statement by calling it "the Magna Carta of Muslim-Christian dialogue."

    Friday, September 29, 2006

    Yom Kippur Videos

    To help you get into the spirit of the looming fast day, here are some vids.

    Shana Tova, Tzoom Kal

    Mr Jewish

    Islam Destroys 18 Churches. But say 'We're not Violent'

    Lets sit back and take stock of this situation shall we. I read in the paper recently that if logic would prevail, then this whole Pope - Islam situation should be headlined:

    Pope Calls Islam Violent, Muslims Go on Violent Rampage...

    The irony in this whole situation is evidently so ludicrous as to have blind sided the average man on the street. Indeed its almost laughable.

    Since the Pope made his remarks :

    - Nearly 5,000 Christians were displaced in riots
    - Six were injured on September 20th during this rampage.
    - 18 churcheshave been torched and left in riuns
    - 20 Christian homes burned to the ground
    - 40 Christian shops in Dutse, the capital of Jigawa state in Northern Nigeria have been put out of busines.
    - A nun has been brutally stabbed to death
    There are worrying double standards today amongst Muslims, where they are proud to defame other religions, calling Jihad on infidels, to call Jews pigs and Christians crusaders.

    They are proud to speak of war in the name of peace, but woe betide anyone should call Islam to task for its history, or its present day tactics. Western democractic free cultures cannot win, we do not speak the same language of life values, we do not share in hope for our children, we can only but try try again to talk talk talk, in the vein attempt to find some common ground. Common ground that is daily becoming softer and rockeir. We are being led into dark times and only an honest and wide eyed west can emerge victorious.

    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    See some of my friends on NBC

    I thought this was quite amuzing this morning on the Today show. A bunch of mates of mine from an unamed company (ok, its stormed the show wearing t-shirts and banners.

    Maybe not the best way to get publicity for a cause or a business, but for sure its the cheapest (they run a Guerilla Marketing business) Guerilla being the operative word I think. Anyhow it made me laugh and was a great start to the day!

    You can see the whole thing if you click below. Stick it to the man !

    Guerilla Marketing

    Irish Try to Boycott Israel Again

    In another shocking development in what is fast appearing as a global trend of anti-zionism, a number of Irish academics have agreed to boycott Israeli Universities and Academics. More than sixty Irish professors and lecturers have signed an open letter to the EU requesting that it cease financial support and all payments (incuding cooperation) with Israeli universities and academics.

    First published in the popular Irish Times in September, the Irish are also pressing academics globally to unite against what they term "Israel's policy of violent repression against the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, and its aggression against the people of Lebanon". Teaching staff representing every Irish University have lent their name to this ludicrously anti-zionist document.

    In the letter, carefully drafted to avoid a sense of anti-semitism, the Irish are quoted as:

    "We call for a moratorium on any further such support to Israeli academic institutions, at both national and European levels. We urge our fellow academics to support this moratorium by refraining, where possible, from further joint collaborations with Israeli academic institutions."

    The letter ends with the ultimatum to Israel "Such a moratorium should continue until Israel abides by UN resolutions and ends the occupation of Palestinian territories."

    This action is worrying and should be condemmed by all for the following reasons:

    1. Israeli universities let alone its teaching staff cannot be held accountable to the policies of its government regardless of right or wrong.

    2. Universities are not a global police force of democracy or human rights.

    3. The Irish are not the enforcers of the UN for its often wildly unbalanced resolutions

    4. The letter fails to mention any background to Israels actions, not does it make any effort to condemn terrorism in its ugly incarnation in the Palestinian culture.

    This open letter is the 4th attempt by Irish academics to boycott Israeli universities. Last year members of the Association of University Teachers voted to cease all cooperation with Haifa and Bar Ilan universities, and in earlier this year, the NAT attempted to pass a similar resolution amongst its members.

    It is surely time for the world to speak up against this academic racism. In America we are seeing similar oubursts by scholars and so called teachers. Are we paying tax to have our children indoctrinated by terrorist sympathisers / virilant anti-semites? This leftist policy of indoctrination must end, we must institute a fair and balanced curriculum of debate and discussion and avoid this wilful posture of antagonism.

    Wednesday, September 27, 2006

    Middle East War Games

    Wouldnt it be nice if reality was an illusion (we've all seen the Matrix)

    Check out this eBook "33 World of Warcraft Insider Secrets" & also see a completely Free World of Warcraft Newsletter which will inform you of new war gaming tips and tricks.

    Unfortunately war is real and so is the reality of the global threats we in the civilized world face. Still some of the information on this site is a welcome relief and restbite to reality!

    Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons against Iran

    By Dan Williams 

    TEL AVIV (Reuters) - In October 1973, with its forces battling to repel invasions by Egypt and Syria, Israel did what had previously been unthinkable: It briefly wheeled its nuclear-capable Jericho-1 missiles out of their secret silos.

    That, historians believe, was picked up by U.S. spy satellites and stirred up fears in Washington of a catastrophic flare-up between the Jewish state and the Soviet-backed Arabs. Message received, an urgent American shipment of conventional arms to Israel was quick to follow, and helped turn the war.

    With Israel's current arch-foe Iran seen gaining the ability to produce nuclear weapons within a few years, and preventive military options limited, some experts now anticipate another "lifting of the veil" on the assumed Israeli atomic arsenal.

    Were that to happen, experts say, the objective would be to establish a more open military deterrence vis-a-vis Iran and perhaps win Israel's nuclear option formal legitimacy abroad.

    "No one should simply assume that Israel would stay where it is now with its ambiguous capability if Iran becomes a nuclear power," said Professor Gerald Steinberg, head of the Conflict Management Programme at Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv.

    "Israeli policy is likely to change, in order to demonstrate that the country has continued strategic superiority," he said.

    Israel neither confirms nor denies it has the Middle East's only nuclear weapons, under an "ambiguity" policy billed as warding off enemy states while avoiding a regional arms race.

    Steinberg said this might be abandoned only as a last resort to persuade a nuclear-armed Iran that it stood to suffer far greater devastation in any full-blown future conflict.

    "It's not desirable, but this is about survival," he said.

    Iran, the world's fourth largest oil exporter, says its nuclear programme is for energy needs alone. But calls by its President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for Israel to be "wiped off the map" have fuelled Western calls for the programme to be curbed.


    Talk of a nuclear stand-off between Israel and Iran has sparked comparisons with the "mutually assured destruction" formula that reigned during the Cold War and, more recently, between India and Pakistan.

    But those precedents assume a parity that may not exist with Israel and Iran. Militarily advanced Israel is geographically small and vulnerable. Iran's atomic ambitions are at fledgling stage but its large size could help it survive a major strike.

    "The use of a nuclear bomb against Israel would completely destroy Israel, while (the same) against the Islamic world would only cause damage. Such a scenario is not inconceivable," former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said in a 2001 speech.

    There is also speculation that Ahmadinejad might welcome an apocalyptic confrontation, meaning the idea of a deterrent would not work. Yet he answers to Iranian clerics who work by committee and thus provide a rational set of safeguards.

    Reuven Pedatzur, defence analyst for the respected Israeli daily Haaretz, proposed that the country, under U.S. guidance, go public with its nuclear capability in the hope of building back-channel ties with Iran and establishing mutual deterrence.

    "Israel cannot continue to rely on it (ambiguity policy) if Iran has nuclear weapons. This is because ambiguity leaves too many grey areas. The enemy cannot know with certainty what the red lines are and when he is risking an Israeli nuclear response," he wrote.

    "There must be a deterrent policy that will leave no room for misunderstandings," he added. "Thus, for example, we would make it clear that the identification of any missile launched from Iran in a westerly direction means, as far as we are concerned, the launch of an Iranian nuclear missile at us."

    Declaring capabilities is one way for a nation to becomes an official nuclear power. The other is a controlled atomic blast.

    "If the Israelis really have any doubt about the credibility of their deterrence, they could conduct a nuclear test, say, in the Negev desert," said Gary Samore, a former adviser on nuclear non-proliferation in the U.S. National Security Council under President Bill Clinton.

    But he said the diplomatic fall-out of such a move would draw scrutiny away from Tehran and further alienate those Arab nations willing to endorse Western pressure on the Iranians.

    "It would be a godsend for Iran," Samore said.


    Israel did not sign the 1970 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It thus kept its main nuclear facility, outside the desert town of Dimona, exempt from inspection. It has received billions of dollars in aid from Washington, whose laws ban funding states with unregulated non-conventional arsenals.

    A nuclear weapons test by Israel would effectively blow away that U.S. blind eye. Iran, in turn, could withdraw from the NPT and argue that it should not be subjected to sanctions. After that, other Middle East states would likely seek atomic arms.

    Avner Cohen, author of the seminal study "Israel and the Bomb", has suggested that Israel seek to form a new nuclear pact along with India and Pakistan, which refuse to join the NPT.

    "Such a protocol might permit them to retain their atomic programmes, but inhibit further development. It could also require cooperation with international nuclear export controls, prohibit explosive testing of nuclear devices, and call for the phased elimination of fissile material production," Cohen said.

    Iran would not be able to join such a pact, he added, as it has violated the NPT by pursuing unauthorised nuclear projects.

    Cohen poured cold water on the idea of Israel seeking mutual deterrence with a nuclear-armed Iran, noting that during the Cold War parity was achieved only after Washington and Moscow scraped through two crises -- over the 1948 Western airlift to Berlin and the 1962 deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba.

    "The sense of stability associated with mutually assured destruction grew out of a learning curve," he said. "Israel had its learning through crisis, especially the 1973 war. Do we have time for the Iranians to learn? Will they learn?"

    Hezbollah Preparing for Fresh Attack

    Hezbollah has been transporting rockets and heavy weaponry to Palestinian camps in south Lebanon just a few miles from the Israeli border, according to Lebanese officials.

    The officials told WND the office of Lebanese Prime Minister Faud Sinora sent a letter last week to Abbas Zakir, the Palestinian Authority's most senior representative in Lebanon, outlining the alleged Hezbollah weapons transfers into Palestinian camps. The letter noted "unusual activity" in and near the Palestinian camps, including the coming and going of trucks suspected of carrying weapons.

    Palestinian groups, including Fatah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, maintain armed bases in Lebanon, mostly in the al-Naemeh province just south of Beirut and in the Bekaa Valley, near Lebanon's border with Syria and Israel. Fatah is the party of PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

    According to Tzipi Livni all is Good.

    Peace is possible then, according to Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni who said today that her meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during her trip to the US last week was proof of existing dialog between Israel and Abbas.

    Livni said she also spent time appealing to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to fulfill UN resolution 1701 including the return of the abducted IDF soldiers. Whether her appeals will do anything but fall on deaf ears as they usually do remains to be seen. 

    Now as in the past, international leaders appease their governments and quieten their people by making overt condemnations and formal and firm requests.  Then to flip the coin and appease the Arab terrorists, the verbal cease and no action is taken.  Though perhaps this time it will be different!, perhaps this time Kofi Annan in his final few months in impetant power may actually try and leave a positive legacy behind him.

    Livni added she had met with 30 representatives of Arab states including the more moderate ones who share Israel's concern over Iran's nuclear armament.

    So according to Livni all is good on the islamist front, we'll get our soldiers back and the Iran will be quashed by its neighbours !!

    Tuesday, September 26, 2006

    UN Needs Self Empowerment

    I think our friend UN Humanitarian Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland needs to take stock of himself and read a decent Self Empowerment Book Maybe then he'll see the sense he's not talking !

    UN Calls for Peace in Mid East.

    Good old UN, intent on being respected, intent on not being seen as impetant have called on all sides to be calm, peaceful and play nicely !!

    Today, The United Nations issued appeals to coincide with the Jewish New Year and Ramadan, the month-long Muslim season of fasting, seeking humanitarian relief in the Palestinian territories and a sign of the fate of two Israeli soldiers captured by Hezbollah.

    UN Humanitarian Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland appealed to Jews and Muslims to use the religious holidays to show goodwill to each other and "break through humanitarian crises that are long overdue to be resolved."

    "If we don't make progress now in these holiest weeks both for Muslims and for Jews, we will not make much progress later," Egeland told the Associated Press on Monday.

    Why does it have to be a religious holiday that makes people ponder their actions? Why can`t people keep these religious credos closer to heart throughout the whole year?

    Monday, September 25, 2006

    We Found New Office Space In Austin, TX

    Those of you who've visited our Hasbarah offices in downtown Austin will testify to the cramped conditions and generally poor atmosphere our team has been working under for the last 2 years... WELL NOW ITS TO CHANGE.

    Thanks to a generous donor, and in large part to 'Don Cox Company' our Austin based real estate consultant we will be moving into plush new premises next month. Those in the know will receive a seperate email with our new address.

    Our activities can now grow further and wider with our new office... we're looking forward to continuing lobbying for peace and security the world over in our new surroundings.

    If anyone in Austin is looking for Austin Office Space, I would recommend our friend Don, a good start is to visit the Tips page onhis website for insider advice.

    Austin Office Space

    Hezbullah has 20,000 rockets aimed at Israel

    If we are to beleive the rantings of a madman, then the original 14,000 rockets originally claimed are in the possession of Nassrallah is wrong.  By those calculations, they would have less than a couple of thousand left after the war.  They fired 4000 and Israel destroyed thousands more.

    But now our terrorist neighbour in the north claims he lied originally (or is lying now), that in fact he still has 20,000 aimed at Israeli citizens.  Oh and by the way, he also claimed no army in the world would force him to disarm, not Israel, not Lebanon and certainly not the infidel UN.

    L'Shana Tova Mr Nassallah

    Arabs fire rockets at Israel

    So it continues into the new Jewish year, rockets fired out of Gaza with one sole intention.  To kill Jews.

    So called 'Palestinian Militants' (lets call them terrorists, or state sponsored terrorists to be more specific) fired at least two rockets from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel early Tuesday morning, just hours after the Fast of Gedalia ended, at least one person was injured and scores more treated for shock.

    Is there anyone left in Sderot not injured or being treated for shock ?

    And again the world sits by and fails to condemn this barbaric act to try and kill as many Jews as possible. Lets not kid ourselves, if the terrorists in Gaza had access to better guided weaponry they would use it.  Do we have time to wait for Iran to supply them ?

    Let the world heed warnings and begin to support the widescale military operation to cleanse the area of war mongering fundamentalists.

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    What is this?.. simply put, a new opportunity is taking the internet by storm. Its called Affiliate Marketing, or more specifically CPA Network. Its a great way to monetise your site and earn extra income very very easily.

    Fast of Gedalia

    Today, the day after Rosh Hashana marks the Fast of Gedalia, one of the "minor fast days" in the Jewish calendar year. The fast begins in the early morning at dawn, and ends in the evening at dusk.

    There is much the Jews and other cultures can learn from this story:



    After the destruction of the First Temple 2,500 years ago, the majority of the Jewish people were exiled to Babylon. The conqueror, Nebuchadnezzar, eventually eased some of his harsh restrictions and allowed some Jews to remain in the Land of Israel. He even appointed a righteous Jew named Gedalia to administrate the territory. Gradually, more Jews who'd escaped from the horrors of the war into neighboring countries began to return to their homes in Israel.

    Gedalia was realistic about the limitations of Jewish sovereignty. He understood that for their own self-preservation, the Jews in Israel needed to fully cooperate with the nation who had conquered their land.

    But this political subservience was intolerable to some Jews. A man named Yishmael ben Netaniah, spurred on by jealousy and foreign influence, arose and ignored the King of Babylon. On the third of Tishrei, Yishmael treacherously killed Gedalia as well as many other Jews and Babylonians.


    In the aftermath of Gedalia's murder, the Jews feared reprisal from the King of Babylon. They thought to flee to Egypt to save themselves. But since Egypt was a morally corrupt society, the Jews were in a quandary -- weighing the physical threat against the spiritual danger. So they turned to the prophet Jeremiah, who was secluded in mourning, to ask for advice.

    For an entire week, Jeremiah pleaded with God for an answer. Finally, on Yom Kippur, he was answered. Jeremiah called the Jews and told them to stay in Israel and everything would be alright. God was planning to make the Babylonians act mercifully toward the Jews, and before long, all the exiled Jews would be permitted to return to their own soil. But, Jeremiah told them, if the Jews decided to go to Egypt, the sword from which they were running would kill them there.

    Unfortunately, the prophet's words did not penetrate, and the people refused to believe. All the Jews remaining in Israel packed their bags and went down to Egypt. They even kidnapped Jeremiah and took him with them! Now the destruction was complete; the Land of Israel was completely barren.

    You can guess what happened next. A few years later, Babylon conquered Egypt and tens of thousands of Jewish exiles were completely wiped out. The lone survivor of this massacre was Jeremiah. His prophecy had become painfully true.

    The initial event -- the murder of Gedalia -- has been likened to the destruction of the Holy Temple, because it cost Jewish lives and brought the end of Jewish settlement in Israel for many years. The prophets therefore declared that the anniversary of this tragedy should be a day of fasting. This day is the third of Tishrei, the day immediately after Rosh Hashana.


    Lesson #1 -- The Jewish people had sunk to one of their lowest levels in history. The Temple was destroyed, the majority of Jews were exiled, and things looked hopeless. But God changed their desperate situation and had the righteous Gedalia appointed. Yet Gedalia was murdered by a Jew and all hope was wiped out.

    It was at this point that Jeremiah prayed to God for some insight and assurance. This was during the 10 days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. This story is memorialized to teach us an important message for these days: No matter how far away you are, you can return and God will forgive you.

    Lesson #2 -- The Jews who went to ask Jeremiah for advice were subconsciously sure that God would give the answer they wanted to hear. So when God answered differently, they rebelled.

    Yet these were not evil people. What happened?

    Though these Jews were in one sense dependent on the will of the Babylonians, they were unwilling to be dependent on the will of God. The lesson is that attaching oneself to God means following Him at all times, not just when it happens to coincide with what you want.

    A good rule in life, when faced with a tricky moral dilemma, is to ask yourself: "What would God say? What does He want me to do?"

    Lesson #3 -- When one Jew murders another, it is a deep, terrible tragedy, which can have enormous historical repercussions. There is no excuse for such violence. Do we have philosophical and political differences? We must work them out with calm and tolerance. It is the only acceptable way

    Sunday, September 24, 2006

    Hamas Will NEVER Recognize Israel

    In a disturbing but brutally honest development, Hamas will claimed as long as there are Jews living there, it will always wage war with the Jewish State.

    Meanwhile Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is expected to arrive in Gaza on Monday or Tuesday to resume talks towards forming a coalition government with Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah of the Hamas Party. Both parties are exchanging the blame for the failure in talks and the collapse of the much hyped coallition Govt.

    Haniyah last week reiterated his position, that a Hamas-led government would never recognize Israel. This despite statements to the contrary released by Abu Mazen in NYC.

    PA chief negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat, who is aligned with Abu Mazen, stated that Haniyah violated an agreement with Fatah and began retracting his position only after Abu Mazen flew to New York City to attend the UN General Assembly, where he worked to enlist support of the world community to lift the economic boycott on the PA.