Monday, September 25, 2006

Arabs fire rockets at Israel

So it continues into the new Jewish year, rockets fired out of Gaza with one sole intention.  To kill Jews.

So called 'Palestinian Militants' (lets call them terrorists, or state sponsored terrorists to be more specific) fired at least two rockets from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel early Tuesday morning, just hours after the Fast of Gedalia ended, at least one person was injured and scores more treated for shock.

Is there anyone left in Sderot not injured or being treated for shock ?

And again the world sits by and fails to condemn this barbaric act to try and kill as many Jews as possible. Lets not kid ourselves, if the terrorists in Gaza had access to better guided weaponry they would use it.  Do we have time to wait for Iran to supply them ?

Let the world heed warnings and begin to support the widescale military operation to cleanse the area of war mongering fundamentalists.

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