Sunday, September 03, 2006

Get Discounts on Middle East Conflict Books

People have asked me (friends and family) where I do my research and get some of my opinions and thoughts on the Middle East. Perhaps the initial and worrying response is they are all mine and opinions form from seeing the world through untainted eyes.

But I also read a lot, I always try and get through at least 2 books a week, which I pick up either at local book fairs (cheap) or at charity shops (cheaper) or if I want to treat myself to something new and hot off the press then I buy online. But always (if I can find one) with some kind of coupon or discount code.

Recently I've been using amazon coupons codes Which give pretty good discounts. Last week I bought a bunch of books that cost $150 and I got a 10% discount... which amounted to 2 free books !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cool.. can you recommend any good middle east books (biased or unbiased)