Thursday, September 07, 2006

So Mr Olmert, What Now?

Can you survive your current turmoil ?  Can you weather the storms a-brewing like many Prime Ministers have before you, or will you capitulate like many more have also done?

I think you know what you need to do, its quite obvious to most, its to stand firm and speak pure and honest truth.  You know what you need to say, for you are Jewish and Israel is your home.  All us Jews and all us Israelies know what needs to be said, but we all wait in quiet frustration while leader after leader promises and then fails to deliver.

Mr Olmert, your political future hangs in an Arab balance, one weighted against you.  Mr Olmert if you want to regain the trust of your people and garner the unity we all crave then speak up.

Tell the world how it will be, forget our fears of being made outcasts by the world, for outcasts we already are.  I emplore you to tell the world that this land is Jewish, and always will be.  Tell the world we fear no-one, least of all pitched battles. 

Its time the world understood why we lay claim to this tiny piece of real estate, time to explain to them in clear terms.  They need not agree, they probably wont, but they need to understand the way things will now be.  We trust ourselves to find peace and quiet and rely on ourselves for our security.

Are you brave enough Mr Olmert?

Do you have a choice Mr Olmert?

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