Monday, October 16, 2006

Jonathan Pollard set to be released

Attention grabber!!!

Unfortunately for Pollard, this is highly unlikely, this case, similar of the infamous Dreyfus case in France, continues to cast a shadow of shame upon the US Justice Syste, the government of Israel, and indeed all the American Jewish community.

Differt from the Dreyfus case in that Pollard actually did commit a crime, there still is little justification for the great imbalance of his sentence to date. In view of the US government's reneging on Jonathan Pollard's agreeing to plead guilty in return for a reduced sentence.

Perhaps this will be the final swan song of Bush junior as he bids farewell to his term in office and thanks Israel for our unswerving support during his tenure.

Personally though I cant see it. The more Pollard lambasts Israel and USA the less he endears himself to a swift release.

1 comment:

Avi said...

Thank you for pointing out that Pollard's behavior is not helping himself in his quest to be released. This is something that Pollard supporters need to say.

I also recommend reading Capturing Jonathan Pollard about his crimes and capture. Clearly there is some polemic there but overall it is the best documented Pollard book out there. I hope to publish a book review on it soon (need to find someone willing to publish)