Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Blog Hosting Migration

To all my avid (and sometimes angry) readers. Very soon I will be migrating this (and other blogs) to a clustered hosting provider.

Why you may ask, especially when blogger is free domain and free hosting... well the answers are simple. I now run a handful of blogs and am looking for more control over traffic limits, what I host and how people can interact. There are times when I want toa add some media for readers to download and often I think about adding features like a forum and blogs from my blog.. all these things I can do at my new provider , Relio.com. Uptime should be better since with clustered hosting the site is spread over 7 servers so downtime should be mimimised.

Also and very important, I'd like a more memorable domain, which at the moment are on offer for only $1 So check back soon, coz i'll keep you updated, in the next month or so I expect to have a dedicated server running my blogs and also opportunities for you to get your own free blog on my server.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let me know when this goes live.... i have a few friends that would like to start a middle east blog